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  1. Lucia was born on March 28, 1907, although the date was registered as March 22 in order to conform with the tradition of being baptized eight days after birth. While most historical accounts correctly refer to Lucia as Lúcia Santos, some of the more modern accounts refer to Lucia as Lúcia dos Santos.

  2. 13 feb 2005 · Venerable Lúcia dos Santos. Lúcia was 10 years old when on May 13, 1917, while tending the sheep in the Cova de Iria, a woman, who later identified herself as the Blessed Virgin Mary, appeared to the children. Lúcia was born in Aljustrel, a village in the parish of Fátima, Portugal, on March 28, 1907, and baptized a few days later on March 30.

  3. Lucía Dos Santos nació el 22 de marzo de 1907 en Ajutrel, caserío junto a Fátima. Cuando tenía nueve años fue enviada con sus primos, los beatos Francisco y Jacinta Matos a pastorear ovejas como de costumbre. Fue entonces que recibieron la visita de la Virgen en la Cova de Iría. Historia de las apariciones >>.

  4. 7 set 2016 · Lucia Dos Santos era nata il 22 marzo del 1907 ad Aljustrel, frazione di Fatima in Portogallo, ultima di altre tre sorelle ed un fratello, da Antonio Dos Santos e da Maria De Jesus. La famiglia era modestissima e Lucia come tanti altri ragazzi e bambine del villaggio, portava al pascolo il piccolo gregge di pecore e capre, che costituiva l ...

  5. Lucia dos Santos. Sie wurde am 22. März 1907 in Aljustrel geboren und in der Osternacht getauft (30. März 1907). Sie war das Nesthäkchen in einer Familie mit sieben Kindern. Sie war die Cousine der Geschwister Francisco und Jacinta Marto. Bei den Erscheinungen der Muttergottes war sie 10 Jahre alt und die Wortführerin.

  6. Lucia dos Santos thus became the only surviving Fatima seer, and the message of Our Lady rested only with her. When she entered a convent at the age of 18 in 1925, she had still not publicly revealed anything further about Our Lady’s message.

  7. 31 mar 2024 · Chi era Lucia dos Santos La storia di Lucia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos, conosciuta anche come Suor Lucia di Fátima, continua a ispirare milioni di fedeli in tutto il mondo. Nata il 28 marzo 1907 ad Aljustrel , in Portogallo, Lucia è diventata famosa per essere stata una dei tre “pastorelli” che hanno assistito alle apparizioni della Vergine Maria a Fatima.