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  1. › wiki › Al-Saffahal-Saffah - Wikipedia

    Abu al-Abbas Abd Allah ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Abd Allah (Arabic: أبو العباس عبد الله ابن محمد ابن علي, romanized: Abū al-ʿAbbās ʿAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī ‎; 721/722 – 8 June 754), known by his laqab al-Saffah (Arabic: السفّاح, romanized: al-Saffāḥ), was the first caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate, one of the longest and most important ...

  2. Cugino di Maometto (m. aṭ-Ṭā'if 687), soprannominato al-Ḥibr "il dottore" o al-Baḥr "il mare ". Venerato dai musulmani quale trasmettitore di molti ḥadīth o tradizioni canoniche intorno al profeta, e quale fondatore dell'esegesi canonica. Visse per lo più a Medina.

  3. ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib (Arabic: عُبَیدالله بن عَبّاس بن عَبْدالمُطَّلِب, d. 58 /677-8) was the Prophet Muhammad 's (s) cousin (son of his father's brother) and the younger brother of the well-known 'Abd Allah b. 'Abbas. During the caliphate of Imam 'Ali (a), 'Ubayd Allah was appointed by the Imam (a) as the ...

  4. 2 ott 2012 · Oh Allah, indeed You know that I am Your messenger. Erase it, ‘Ali, and write: This is what Muhammad IbnAbd Allah agrees upon. “I swear by Allah that the messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is better than ‘Ali and even he erased his own name, and erasing his name does not erase his prophet-hood.

  5. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata ‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib (v. 568 – v. 652 ou 653) (arabe: ٱلْعَبَّاس بَن عَبْد ٱلْمُطَّلِب) est le plus jeune oncle du prophète de l'islam, Mahomet , son père était Abd al-Muttalib . Il est, de par son sang, un descendant des Hachémites et de surcroît l'ancêtre des Abbassides , dont le califat a été ...

  6. 3 mag 2021 · Par Allah les deux épreuves de ce bas monde sont soit la richesse soit la pauvreté. Quant à moi, peu m’importe par laquelle des deux je serais éprouvé. Car le droit d’Allah est obligatoire dans l’une comme dans l’autre. Le droit de la richesse est la compassion pour les autres alors que celui de la pauvreté est la patience.” (9)

  7. Abdallah Ibn Abbas School offers a safe, caring and nurturing educational environment that promotes Islamic values and their integration into all aspects of life, and strives to empower and promote Arab and Islamic Education, Culture and Tradition. Some of the areas that are being covered in the school’s curriculum : – Arabic.