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  1. Islam. Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi in full Sīdī Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī al-Sanūsī al-Mujāhirī al-Ḥasanī al-Idrīsī, (1787–1859) was an Arab Muslim theologian and leader who founded of the Senussi mystical order in 1837. His militant mystical movement proved very significant and helped Libya to win its freedom from Italy on 10 February ...

  2. Manhaj yang dibawa oleh Sayyid Muhammad Ali al-Sanusi ini berkemungkinan boleh membawa jalan penyelesaian kepada masalah tersebut. Ini terbukti dengan kejayaan Sayyid Muhammad Ali al-Sanusi melahirkan kader-kader Ulama dan pendakwah selepas itu. 3. Pernyataan Masalah Islam mementingkan ilmu. Kejahilan merupakan musuh nombor satu umat Islam.

  3. He has performed excellent services to the people of Muhammad by establishing 32 universities in the African continent. Successfully gathered the knowledge of manqul and ma’qul (aqli and naqli) in him and traced the character of his pennant, al Imam Ahmad ibn Idris. It is very rare to find this in modern scholars nowadays.

  4. On Ibn Idris, cf. primarily, R.S. O’Fahey, Enigmatic saint: Ahmad Ibn Idris and the Idrisi tradition, London & Evanston 1990. ix Apart from al-Sanusi in Cyrenaica, also Muhammad ‘Uthman al-Mirghani who founded the Khatmiyya and Ibrahim alRashid, who founded the Rashidiyya - later called the Dandarawiyya - both in the Sudan); ‘Ali Salih Karrar, The Sufi brotherhoods in the Sudan, London ...

  5. Telah diasaskan oleh Sayyid Abdul ‘Aal ibn Ahmad ibn Idris di zawiyah Zainiyah, Luxor, Mesir selepas beliau keluar dari Jaghbub, Libya setelah setahun kewafatan gurunya Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ali al Sanusi pada 7 September 1859 Masihi bersamaan 9 Safar 1276 Hijrah.

  6. 1. Knut S. Vikôr, Sufi and Scholar on the Desert Edge. Muhammad b. 'Alt al-Sanûsî and his Brotherhood, Londres, Hurst, 1995, 310 p. L'époque n'est pas si lointaine où l'on pouvait penser que tout, ou presque, avait été dit sur la Sanûsiyya. En laissant ici volontairement de côté les écrits de la science coloni

  7. Di antara mereka ialah al Imam al Akbar Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ali al Sanusi , Mufti Zabid Yaman Sayyid Abdur Rahman ibn Sulaiman al Ahdali , Qadhi Hasan ‘Akish dan lain-lain lagi. Melihat kepada latar belakang pendidikan al Imam al A’zam Sayyid Ahmad ibn Idris , ternyata beliau mempunyai sanad yang merangkumi semua bidang ilmu; sama ada hadith, tafsir, feqah, tasawwuf atau lain-lain.