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  1. Niels Henrik David Bohr (7 octobre 1885 à Copenhague, Danemark – 18 novembre 1962 à Copenhague) est un physicien danois. Il est surtout connu pour son apport à l'édification de la mécanique quantique , pour lequel il a reçu de nombreux honneurs.

  2. 7 ott 2012 · Life . Niels Bohr was born and raised in Copenhagen. After his doctorate, he spent a number of years abroad, including in Manchester and Cambridge, before returning to Denmark to become head of Copenhagen University's Institute for Theoretical Physics (now the Niels Bohr Institute).

  3. 28 giu 2024 · Bohr model, description of the structure of atoms, especially that of hydrogen, proposed (1913) by the Danish physicist Niels Bohr. The Bohr model of the atom , a radical departure from earlier, classical descriptions, was the first that incorporated quantum theory and was the predecessor of wholly quantum-mechanical models.

  4. ニールス・ヘンリク・ダヴィド・ボーア(デンマーク語: Niels Henrik David Bohr 、1885年 10月7日 - 1962年 11月18日)は、デンマークの理論物理学者 。量子論の育ての親として、前期量子論の展開を指導、量子力学の確立に大いに貢献した。王立協会外国人会員。

  5. 12 lug 2013 · In July of 1913, Danish physicist Niels Bohr published the first of a series of three papers introducing this model of the atom, which became known simply as the Bohr atom. Bohr, one of the pioneers of quantum theory, had taken the atomic model presented a few years earlier by physicist Ernest Rutherford and given it a quantum twist.

  6. Niels Henrik David Bohr (født 7. oktober 1885, død 18. november 1962) var en dansk fysiker som har bidratt avgjørende til forståelsen av atomfysikken, utviklingen av kvantemekanikken og kjernefysikken. For sitt arbeid om strukturen til atomene og hvordan de emitterer lys, mottok han nobelprisen i fysikk i 1922 .

  7. 1 Introduzione. Sessant’anni fa, il 18 novembre del 1962, moriva Niels Bohr. Bohr (fig. 1) è ben noto come l’autore del primo modello quantistico di atomo, ma in realtà i suoi contributi scientifici vanno ben al di là di questo, e coinvolgono gli sviluppi della fisica atomica e delle interazioni tra fisica, chimica e biologia.