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  1. John et Fred prennent un petit appartement ensemble à Beacon Hill, à Boston. En 1933, John Cheever écrit à Elizabeth Ames, qui est à la tête de la colonie d'artistes de Yaddo à Saratoga Springs: « L'idée de quitter la ville », dit-il, « n'a jamais été aussi lointaine ou désirable. » [4].

  2. Republication statement. This article is available for unedited republication, free of charge, using the following credit: “Originally published as “Suburban Dwelling: John Cheever Was the Bard of the Backyard” in the Summer 2021 issue of Humanities magazine, a publication of the National Endowment for the Humanities.”.

  3. 30 mag 2012 · Cheever’s Art of the Devastating Phrase. By Brad Leithauser. May 30, 2012. Had he lived, John Cheever would have turned a hundred this week. A lifelong admirer of his work, I find myself again ...

  4. Biografía. John William Cheever nació en Quincy, Massachusetts, el segundo hijo de Frederick Lincoln Cheever y Mary Liley Cheever. Su padre era un próspero empresario dedicado a la venta de zapatos y Cheever pasó gran parte de su infancia en una gran casa victoriana, en el 123 de Winthrop Avenue, [2] en el entonces elegante barrio de Wollaston, Massachusetts.

  5. The Swimmer. By John Cheever. July 10, 1964. Photograph by H. Armstrong Roberts / Getty. It was one of those midsummer Sundays when everyone sits around saying, “I drank too much last night ...

  6. 21 feb 2015 · Imparare a vivere leggendo John Cheever. di altri. Ci stiamo. divertendo qui. Ma speriamo. È stato detto che conservare una lettera è come cercare di preservare un bacio. Lo ha detto lo scrittore John Cheever, che in vita ha spedito molti baci via posta ad amici, colleghi e amanti, cercando poi di convincerli a distruggere le sue parole.

  7. El Nadador de John Cheever: Un viaje a través de la vida y la realidad El Nadador, escrito por John Cheever en 1964, es una obra maestra de la literatura contemporánea. Este relato corto nos sumerge en la vida aparentemente idílica de Neddy Merrill, un hombre de mediana edad que decide emprender un viaje muy particular: nadar a través de todas las piscinas de su vecindario.