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  1. Harvey W. Cushing nació en Cleveland, Ohio el 8 de abril de 1869, siendo el último de una familia de 10 hijos. Su padre fue Henry Kirke Cushing y su madre Betsey Maria Williams. Harvey Cushing es el quinto médico en la familia, heredero de una tradición común en aquellos años.1 Su bisabuelo David Cushing Jr. (1768-1814) fue médico gradua ...

  2. 6 giorni fa · This was the first neurosurgical appointment anywhere. In the first year of his appointment he performed 10 cranial operations. Horsley operated only by invitation. He had no beds of his own, no surgical service and no laboratories. One of the most important figures in the early development of neurosurgery was Harvey Cushing …. View Full Text.

  3. La sindrome di Cushing (o ipercortisolismo) è un insieme di segni e sintomi dovuti a un'esposizione prolungata al cortisolo. Questi possono includere l'ipertensione, un'obesità addominale ma braccia e gambe sottili, smagliature rossastre, un viso rosso tondo, una massa grassa tra le spalle (il cosiddetto "gibbo di bufalo"), debolezza muscolare, osteoporosi, acne e pelle fragile che guarisce ...

  4. Harvey Williams Cushing est né le 8 avril 1869, à Cleveland, dans l'État de l'Ohio (États-Unis), il est le sixième fils des dix enfants (dont sept vivants) de Henry Kirke Cushing et de Betsey Maria Williams Cushing. Fils, petit-fils et arrière-petit-fils de médecin du côté paternel, il est donc le représentant de la quatrième ...

  5. Harvey Cushing. Cartell amb breu ressenya històrica de la seva vida al Cementiri de Lake View. Harvey Williams Cushing ( Cleveland (Ohio), 8 d'abril del 1869 - New Haven, Connecticut, 7 d'octubre del 1939) [1] va ser un metge nord-americà, instaurador de la neurocirurgia com a tècnica quirúrgica, que va desenvolupar des de la base.

  6. Harvey Williams Cushing (April 8, 1869 – October 7, 1939) was an American neurosurgeon. A pioneer of brain surgery, he was the first person to describe Cushing's syndrome. He is often called the "father of modern neurosurgery." In the beginning of the 20th century he developed many of the basic surgical techniques for operating on the brain.