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  1. 松本润,日本男艺人。作为日本杰尼斯事务所旗下岚组合中最小的成员,凭借超乎年龄的成熟,以及开朗坦率的性格,受到大家的一致喜爱。经过入社10年来的努力和磨练,让松本润得到了一致的肯定,并在第33届与第47届日剧学院奖中,分别凭借《极道鲜师》、《花样男子》获得最佳男配角。

  2. CEO of Jun Matsumoto`s Natural therapy office. Head coach of Naturalization Athlete Academy. Inventor of Naturalization and Dynamic Arch Therapy. Lover of roses, mountains, barefoot running. With a philosophy, humans can move and live like wild animals, Jun has invented Naturalization.

  3. 18 apr 2024 · ARASHI’s Jun Matsumoto will appear in the stage production “Love in Action,” which will be performed at the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Playhouse from July 11th, then Kitakyushu, Osaka, and later heading to the Sadler’s Wells Theatre in London from October 31st ~ to November 2nd. This marks Jun’s first stage appearance in 13 years ...

  4. Evo-Devo EX comprises two distinct yet complementary components: Evolutionary Exercises and Developmental Exercises. The former delves into the evolution of our ancestors, while the latter focuses on the developmental milestones of human babies. By incorporating both exercise regimens, you can achieve complete and holistic natural development.

  5. PROFILE. 相葉雅紀. Masaki Aiba. 1982.12.24生まれ千葉県出身 AB型. 松本 潤. Jun Matsumoto. 1983.8.30生まれ東京都出身 A型. 二宮和也. Kazunari Ninomiya.

  6. 10 nov 2023 · Jun Matsumoto, du légendaire groupe ARASHI, incarne un avocat peu ordinaire dans le drama juridique "99.9 : Criminal Lawyer" dont les saisons 1 et 2 sont désormais disponibles sur Viki en Europe, en Amérique du Nord et du Sud, au Moyen-Orient, en Inde et plus encore ! Visuel de la saison 1 du drama 99.9 : Criminal LawyerL'avocat optimiste Hiroto Miyama (Jun Matsumoto) se charge d'affaires ...

  7. Jun Matsumoto (松本 潤, Matsumoto Jun) ( Toshima, Tòquio, 30 d'agost de 1983 ), [1] anomenat com Matsujun, és un actor i cantant japonès, membre del grup Arashi. A banda de la seva feina amb Arashi és un reputat actor. Ha tingut una dilatada carrera des de 1997, amb papers des de simples aparicions a protagonistes, amb títols destacats ...