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  1. 27 giu 2019 · Infatti, Eton College è molto di più di un liceo: la loro unicità e forza che li ha caratterizzati come educatori è quella di formare degli individui ‘completi’ da tutti i punti di vista. Le attività extracurricolari spaziano dagli sport al teatro e la musica, in modo tale che gli studenti sviluppino delle passioni, e soprattutto la voglia e determinazione di investire tempo e impegno ...

  2. Thanks to the generosity of a donor, this award provides means-tested financial support for up to four boys per year to attend Eton. These boys are identified by the school during the Admissions process. Where necessary, the scholarship will cover 100% fees and extras. We will help families identify the most appropriate pathway for their sons ...

  3. Eton College. 51°29′30″N 0°36′34″V. Etons kapell. Eton College er en privatskole i den engelske byen Eton, vest for London. Den eksklusive skolen er for gutter i alderen 13–18 år, det vil si ungdoms- og videregående trinn. Det er omkring 1200 elever.

  4. Your Eton summer school adventure starts here. Embark on a distinctive summer school journey with an academic course at Eton College with Oxford Summer Courses. In our exceptional academic courses, you will learn to think critically and independently, and challenge your perspective through debate and discussion as part of an inclusive community of fellow learners from all over the world.

  5. Pastoral Care. The wellbeing of pupils lies at the heart of any school, and the welfare of boys at Eton is our number one priority. The essence of our pastoral care lies in the House system, where small Houses (no more than 55 boys in each) enable the House Master and the Dame to get to know boys very well and to tailor their support to meet ...

  6. COLLEGE ADVISORS: Timothy Eddis MA Michèle Collias BA JD In mid-March 2020, amid growing uncertainty surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic and only days before a national lockdown was announced in the UK, Eton College took the decision to end the Winter term early and sent all the boys home.

  7. Oscar, Year 13. Charlie, Year 12. In 2012 Professor Sir John Gurdon was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology, for his work with frog cloning that led to a new understanding of DNA. 63 years earlier, his biology teacher at Eton College had written a damning report, saying his work was ‘disastrous and far from satisfactory.’.