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  1. 2 giorni fa · Bliss Point for Sodium. To illustrate how the bliss point works, the chart below shows the amount we eat using varying concentrations of sodium. In the middle of the chart, we have a bliss point for sodium at 3.1 g/2000 calories, which aligns with the maximum food intake. When our food contains less sodium, it tastes bland, and we crave saltier ...

  2. 4 giorni fa · The phrase "follow your bliss" is a spiritual or philosophical statement advising individuals to identify the parts of life they are truly passionate about and pursue them wholeheartedly. The phrase originated with American mythologist and writer Joseph Campbell (1904-1987), who most famously used it in the book and television program The Power of Myth , released after his death in 1988.

  3. Cinemes, cartellera, estrenes, sales de cinema, projeccions, crítiques notícies a la zona d'Argentona

  4. 2 giorni fa · 伊恩·布利斯 Ian Bliss 费萨尔·巴齐 Fayssal Bazzi 英格丽·托蕾莉 Ingrid Torelli 里斯·奥特里 Rhys Auteri ...

  5. 5 giorni fa · Aquest és el model d’on beu El último late night, que se’ns presenta com la troballa de les cintes de la darrera i tràgica emissió d’un xou nocturn dels anys 70, el presentador del qual estava disposat a fer-ho tot per l’audiència, fins i tot invocar el dimoni. L’encant de la proposta passa, doncs, per la imitació del format ...