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  1. 3 giorni fa · I’m about to jump into the leather jacket world and really like the denim style versions by either Fine Creek, Y2 or Double Helix. I was curious about sizing though in a leather jacket. I’m a slim guy around 5’11” but weight 140. I typically wear an S in everything without it being snug, but I’ve never purchased a leather jacket ...

  2. Middle of March (I think the 18th or 19th) I had a double helix done and my second lobes. Picture of my double helix is from the other day. I would like to get a daith ON MY OTHER EAR. I know with helix piercings they can take upwards to a year to heal and you shouldn't get a whole bunch done too close together.

  3. I got a double helix done in September of last year. They are the most stubborn mfs EVER. However, one of them is fine and doesn't hurt to touch. I have a hard time finding flat backs that look good in the piercing though. Is it a bad idea to change it to a hoop now? Or is there any other jewelry I should look into that is a bit more comfortable?

  4. 2 giorni fa · Imagine traveling back to the days of the dinosaurs, 100 million years ago. This is well before all of Australia’s marsupials – kangaroos, koalas, wombats and other furry critters – evolved. Instead, a team of palaeontologists have named it the Age of Monotremes. Monotremes are the egg-laying mammals, and there are only two types of them left in the world – echidnas and platypuses.

  5. I'm just curious if I have the anatomy for a double helix piercing and where on my ear you would pick to put it? I've attached pictures of both ears…

  6. 3 giorni fa · Exploring the most transformative breakthroughs in biology since the discovery of the double helix, a Nobel Prize–winning scientist unveils the RNA age. For over half a century, DNA has dominated science and the popular imagination as the “secret of life.” But over the last several decades, a quiet revolution has taken place.

  7. 2 giorni fa · I don't see nobody but you. 我眼前只有你 别无其他. You're my vice, you're my muse. 你是我的罪恶之源 也是我的缪斯女神. You're a nineteenth floor view. 你是如十九楼的外景般遥远. I don't see nobody but you. 我眼前只有你 别无其他. Boy, you got me hooked on to something.