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  1. Subscribe to Times Higher Education. As the voice of global higher education, THE is an invaluable daily resource. Subscribe today to receive unlimited news and analyses, commentary from the sharpest minds in international academia, our influential university rankings analysis and the latest insights from our World Summit series.


    Unis+ry는 University와 Industry의 합성어이다.이번 행사는 지역사회 구성원 대상 LINC3.0사업을 통해 진행된 지·산·학 연계협업 성과를 공유하고, 미래신기술융합 인재양성과 기업가형 대학으로 도약을 위한 산학협력 선도모델 실현 및 산학협력 성과 확산을 위해 마련됐다.행사는 2000여 명의 관람객이 ...

  3. Hoseo University is a leading institution of higher education in Korea, offering various programs and degrees in engineering, humanities, social sciences, and more. Visit the official website of Hoseo University to learn more about its vision, history, faculty, research, and campus life.

  4. Subscribe to Times Higher Education. As the voice of global higher education, THE is an invaluable daily resource. Subscribe today to receive unlimited news and analyses, commentary from the sharpest minds in international academia, our influential university rankings analysis and the latest insights from our World Summit series.

  5. 湖西大学(호서대학교,Hoseo University )创立于1978年。湖西大学是韩国牙山市的基督教私立大学,现有四个校区;牙山校区,天安校区,唐津校区和首尔校区。湖西大学因其校舍的面积3.471 平方公里。这是第一个在韩国建立风险投资研究生院的学校,现在正朝着成为世界名门大学的目标面阔步前进 ...

  6. 29 feb 2024 · Hoseo University ranked 58th in South Korea, 3450th in the global 2024 rating, and scored in the TOP 50% across 41 research topics. Hoseo University ranking is based on 3 factors: research output (EduRank's index has 4,539 academic publications and 58,135 citations attributed to the university), non-academic reputation, and the impact of 4 notable alumni.

  7. › Home › MainHOSEO University

    HOSEO UNIVERSITY. 개인정보처리방침. Hoseo Univ.Asan Campus 20, Hoseo-ro79beon-gil, Baebang-eup, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea 31499041.540.5114