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  1. Louis Bonaparte. Louis Bonaparte ( Lodewijk Napoleon in Dutch) (1779-1846), was the younger brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, who made him the King of the Kingdom of Holland in 1806. When Louis disagreed with Napoleon's policies, he dispatched troops against Holland. Louis abdicated in 1810 and lived most of the remainder of his life in Italy.

  2. Il 18 brumaio di Luigi Bonaparte (in tedesco Der achtzehnte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte ), conosciuto anche come Il 18 brumaio di Luigi Napoleone, è un'opera di Karl Marx, pubblicata per la prima volta nel maggio 1852. Marx analizza il corso del colpo di stato del 2 dicembre 1851, compiuto in Francia da Luigi Napoleone III.

  3. Louis-Napoléon began to plot, persuaded that France wanted a Bonaparte to drive out Louis-Philippe. 1835 He attempted for a first time to return to France via Strasbourg, by creating a people’s uprising. The insurgents were swiftly arrested and the revolt quelled. Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte’s family condemned his attempt. 21 November 1836

  4. Carlo Maria Buonaparte or Charles-Marie Bonaparte (27 March 1746 – 24 February 1785) was a Corsican attorney best known as the father of Napoleon Bonaparte and grandfather of Napoleon III. Buonaparte served briefly as a personal assistant to revolutionary leader Pasquale Paoli , fighting with the Corsican forces against the Genoese republic and later the French invasion . [2]

  5. Prefisso onorifico. maestà imperiale. Firma. Carlo Luigi Napoleone Bonaparte, regnante con il nome di Napoleone III ( Parigi, 20 aprile 1808 – Chislehurst, 9 gennaio 1873 ), è stato un militare e politico francese figlio terzogenito del re d'Olanda Luigi Bonaparte (fratello di Napoleone Bonaparte) e di Hortense de Beauharnais, fu presidente ...

  6. Father of Charles Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (1808-1873), Emperor Napoleon III of France from 1852 to 1870. He died on July 25, 1846 in Livorno, Tuscany, Italy, and was buried in the Saint-Leu-La-Forêt's Church.

  7. Napoléon, Prince Imperial (Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte; 16 March 1856 – 1 June 1879), also known as Louis-Napoléon, was the only child of Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, and Empress Eugénie. After his father was dethroned in 1870, he moved to England with his family. On his father's death in January 1873, he was ...