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  1. Guildhall School of Music and Drama este o școală independentă de muzică și de artă dramatică care a fost fondată în 1880, la Londra, Anglia. Studenții pot urma cursuri de muzică , operă , teatru și tehnică teatrală.

  2. Die Guildhall School of Music and Drama ist eine Musik- und Theaterschule, die 1880 in London gegründet wurde. Die Leitung der Schule hat seit 2017 Lynne Williams inne. [1] 2018/19 waren 1085 Studenten inskribiert.

  3. La Guildhall School of Music and Drama est une école supérieure de musique et d'art dramatique de Londres (Royaume-Uni) fondée en 1880 et dispensant un enseignement en musique, opéra, théâtre et techniques des arts du spectacle.

  4. Guildhall School of Music and Drama on Lontoon Cityssä sijaitseva itsenäinen musiikki- ja draamakoulu. Koulu on perustettu vuonna 1880, ja se on yksi Ison-Britannian tunnetuimmista taidealan korkeakouluista.

  5. Guildhall School of Music and Drama website, su City selects preferred Milton Court developer (June 2006) Guildhall School seeks new extension (February 2006) Trinity Guildhall at the Trinity College, London, su (archiviato dall'url originale il 10 gennaio 2007).

  6. Interdisciplinary collaboration is central to our approach at Guildhall School. We believe that collaboration is fundamental to 21st century artist training, and students in the Drama Department have regular opportunities to create work and share learning with their peers in Music and Production Arts.

  7. Guildhall School is a world-leading community of actors, performance makers, production artists and musicians. The Drama Department has inclusive and progressive practice at its core.