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  1. 6 giorni fa · Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th U.S. president, who championed civil rights and the ‘Great Society’ but unsuccessfully oversaw the Vietnam War. A moderate Democrat and vigorous leader in the Senate, he was elected vice president in 1960 and acceded to the presidency in 1963 upon the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

  2. Lyndon B. Johnson als Siebenjähriger (1915) Lyndon Baines Johnson wurde am 27. August 1908 in Stonewall, Texas, als Sohn eines Farmerpaars geboren.Seine Eltern waren Sam Ealy Johnson, der zeitweise auch ein Mandat im Repräsentantenhaus von Texas innehatte, und Rebekah Baines Johnson (1881–1958).

  3. Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908 – 1973), trentaseiesimo presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America. Citazioni di Lyndon B. Johnson [ modifica ] [Su Jawaharlal Nehru ] Forse più di qualsiasi altro leader mondiale, Nehru aveva dato espressione all'aspirazione umana alla pace e che nessun omaggio alla sua memoria può essere più adeguato e appropriato della pace del mondo.

  4. 2 apr 2014 · Lyndon B. Johnson was elected vice president of the United States in 1960 and became the 36th president in 1963, following the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

  5. Lyndon Baines Johnson ( Stonewall, Teksas, 27. kolovoza 1908. – Johnson City, Teksas, 22. siječnja 1973. ), američki političar. Predsjednikom je postao nakon umorstva J. F. Kennedya 1963. godine. Za njegove administracije došlo je eskalacije američke agresije u Vijetnamu, što je izazvalo oštru kritiku njegove politike.

  6. Lyndon B. Johnson blev ledamot av representanthuset år 1937. Han ställde 1941 upp i valet till senaten mot den sittande guvernören i Texas, W. Lee O'Daniel , men förlorade. Han ställde upp igen 1948, valdes och blev senator 1949. 1953 valdes han till ledare för den demokratiska minoriteten i senaten.

  7. Lyndon B. Johnson murió el lunes 22 de enero de 1973 a las 4:33 P.M., de su tercer ataque al corazón en su rancho en la ciudad estadounidense de Johnson City, Texas, a la edad de 64 años. El expresidente tuvo graves enfermedades del corazón. Había sufrido un segundo ataque al corazón en abril de 1972, pero había sido incapaz de dejar de ...