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  1. › special › mapping_palestinian_politicsAhmad Sa’adat | ECFR

    Ahmad Sa’adat took over as the secretary general of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) after Israel’s assassination of Abu Ali Mustafa in 2001; he was imprisoned by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Jericho a year later. He leads the PFLP’s ‘ People’s Pulse ‘ list which is contesting the May 2021 legislative elections.

  2. La detenzione dei prigionieri politici nelle carceri israeliane è un libro di Ahmad Sa'dat pubblicato da Edizioni Clandestine nella collana Saggistica: acquista su IBS a 11.40€! La detenzione dei prigionieri politici nelle carceri israeliane - Ahmad Sa'dat - Libro - Edizioni Clandestine - Saggistica | IBS

  3. Ahmad Sa'adat, auch Achmed Sa'dat (arabisch أحمد سعدات Ahmed Saadat, DMG Aḥmad Saʿdāt; * 1953 in al-Bireh, Westjordanland), ist ein militanter palästinensischer Politiker und Häftling. Er ist Abgeordneter des Palästinensischen Legislativrates und Generalsekretär der Terrororganisation Volksfront zur Befreiung Palästinas (PFLP).

  4. Ahmad Sa’dat è Segretario Generale del Fronte Popolare per la Liberazione della Palestina (FPLP), il più importante partito della sinistra radicale palestinese. Condannato a 30 anni di carcere come “referente politico” di un’organizzazione considerata da Tel Aviv come “terrorista”, da allora vive nelle carceri israeliane.

  5. › special › mapping_palestinian_politicsAhmad Sa’adat (PFLP) | ECFR

    Ahmad Sa’adat took over as the secretary general of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) after Israel’s assassination of Abu Ali Mustafa in 2001; he was imprisoned by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Jericho a year later. In January 2006, while in prison, he was elected as a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC).

  6. 27 dic 2023 · Ahmad Sa’adat, otherwise known as Abu Ghassan, is viewed as one of the most dangerous Palestinian political leaders to Israel and is prioritized for release in any Hamas-Israel prisoner exchange. As the head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Sa’adat could hold the cards to radically transform his organization when ...

  7. Ahmad Sa’dat è Segretario Generale del Fronte Popolare per la Liberazione della Palestina (FPLP), il più importante partito della sinistra radicale palestinese. Condannato a 30 anni di carcere come “referente politico” di un’organizzazione considerata da Tel Aviv come “terrorista”, da allora vive nelle carceri israeliane.