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  1. Omer Pasha Vrioni (the first) counted as one of the most famous Ottoman's Empire Generals during the early-nineteenth century, who distinguished himself in the Egyptian battles against Napoleon and in the siege of Messolonghi. However, it is an undeniable fact, that the Vrioni have been among the most prominent Albanian patriots.

  2. La battaglia del khan di Gravia (in greco: mάχη στο Χάνι της Γραβιάς) fu parte della guerra d'indipendenza greca (1821-1829) e fu combattuta da un gruppo di 120 rivoluzionari greci, sotto il comando di Odysseas Androutsos, contro un esercito di 9.000 fanti e artiglieri ottomani sotto il comando di Omer Vrioni .

  3. Although the final outcome of the battle is considered to be ambiguous, it is often recognized as a Greek victory of attrition. However, both Androutsos and Omer Vrioni finally retreated, so the outcome is quite equivocal. Nevertheless the Battle of Gravia was considered to be an important event in the Greek War of Independence.

  4. 8 gen 2017 · Omer Pashë Vrioni – Delegat në Lidhjen Shqiptare të Prizrenit 1878, Themelues i qytetit të Fierit më 1864. Ilias Bej Vrioni – Nënshkrues i Deklaratës së Pavarësisë së Shqipërisë më 28 Nëntor 1912, Kryetari i Delegacionit të Beratit në Kongresin e Lushnjës, Kryetar i Shoqatës Bashkimi

  5. An Albanian man, born in Vrioni. A Leading Ottoman figure in the Greek War of Independence. After the execution of Ali Pasha, Omer was sent to supress the Greek Revolution, defeating the Greeks in 1821 at the Battle of Alamana, and had their commander Athanisios Diakos impaled on a spit. Vrioni's advances were temporarily halted by Odysseas ...

  6. Omer Vrioni (known in Greek as Ομέρ Βρυώνης, Omer Vryonis) was a leading Ottoman figure in the Greek War of Independence. Omer Vrioni was an Albanian from the village of Vrioni near Berat, with a distinguished record in the battles in Egypt against Napoleon.[1] When Ali Pasha revolted against the Porte, Omer was his treasurer. He initially commanded the army tasked with defending ...

  7. Battle. After the fall of Livadeia on 1 April 1821 to a contingent of Greek fighters under the command of Athanasios Diakos and Vasilis Bousgos, Hursid Pasha sent two of his most competent commanders from Thessaly, Omer Vrioni and Köse Mehmed, at the head of 8,000 men with orders to put down the revolt in Roumeli and then proceed to the Peloponnese and lift the siege at Tripolitsa.