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  1. Edmond Halley - Astronomer, Comet, Scientist: Halley’s concern with practical applications of science, such as problems of navigation, reflects the influence on the Royal Society of British author Francis Bacon, who held that science should be for the “relief of man’s estate.” Though wide-ranging in his interests, Halley displayed a high degree of professional competence that ...

  2. Edmond Halley néha „Edmund”, ( Haggerston, 1656. november 8. – Greenwich, 1742. január 14.) angol csillagász, geofizikus, matematikus, meteorológus és fizikus; kiemelkedő polihisztor természettudós. John Flamsteed után ő volt a második királyi csillagász (Astronomer Royal) .

  3. 7 giu 2024 · If you’re an amateur astronomer of a certain age, you’ll remember where you were in the winter of 1985–86, when Halley’s Comet passed Earth. I was in Halifax, Nova Scotia, which was ...

  4. Halley’s Comet Summary. Halley’s Comet, the first comet whose return was predicted and, almost three centuries later, the first to be imaged up close by interplanetary spacecraft. In 1705 English astronomer Edmond Halley published the first catalog of the orbits of 24 comets. His calculations showed that comets observed.

  5. 10 ago 2021 · Edmond Halley – traditionally pronounced to rhyme with “alley” – was born on November 8, 1656, in Haggerston, England (part of today’s London), to a well-to-do merchant family.

  6. Halley was appointed Savilian Professor of Geometry at the University of Oxford in 1703. While there he published Synopsis Astronomia Cometicae, predicting the return of a particular comet in 1758. That comet was later named after him. In 1720 Halley became the second Astronomer Royal, a position he maintained until his death in 1742.

  7. Edmond Halley. Iz arabščine je delno prevedel Apolonijevo delo De sectione rationis (1706). Da bi določil starost Zemlje s pomočjo slanosti oceanov je leta 1715 naredil prvi znanstveni poskus. Pri tem je dejal: »Tako smo dobili dokaz, na podlagi katerega lahko izračunamo starost vseh stvari.«