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  1. Witi Ihimaera is one of the best known names in New Zealand literature. Most Kiwis will have read at least one book penned by the Gisborne-born novelist, short story writer, playwright and lyricist. He was the first Māori writer to publish both a book of short stories and a novel, and was made a Distinguished Companion of the New Zealand Order ...

  2. 4 nov 2019 · Witi Ihimaera is one of New Zealand’s most important and distinctive writers. His extensive career has covered short stories, novels, anthologies, libretti, and essays, and he formed a key part in the Māori Renaissance in the postwar decades. He is also a notable mentor to younger writers, and his work has had global impact (from the Oscar ...

  3. Maka tiko bum . . . I want a game of cards . . . . A pack of cards was found. The old ladies sat around the bed, playing. Everybody else decided to play cards too, to keep Nanny company. The men played poker in the kitchen and sitting room. The kids played snap in the other bedrooms.

  4. Kahu e la balena è un libro di Witi Ihimaera pubblicato da Bompiani nella collana Ragazzi: acquista su IBS a 12.00€!

  5. 7 nov 2014 · Witi Ihimaera is a consummate storyteller — one critic calling him one of our ‘finest and most memorable’. Some of his best stories, however, are about his own life. This honest, stirring work tells of the family and community into which Ihimaera was born, of his early life in rural New Zealand, of family secrets, of facing anguish and challenges, and of laughter and love.

  6. 15 nov 2023 · Kahu e la balena. Kahu è una bambina di otto anni. Il suo nome deriva da Kahutia Te Rangi, che è suo nonno, il capostipite della tribù maori. La mamma di Kahu muore poco dopo il parto, da allora la neonata riceverà amore dagli altri della famiglia. La bambina è amata da tutto il villaggio, soltanto il nonno Kahu non riesce a istaurare un ...

  7. CD audio. 12,34 €. Eight-year-old Kahu craves her great-grandfather's love and attention. But he is focused on his duties as chief of a Maori tribe in Whangara, on the East Coast of New Zealand - a tribe that claims descent from the legendary 'whale rider'. In every generation since the whale rider, a male has inherited the title of chief.

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