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  1. Christian Wolff foi um filósofo alemão do século XVIII que desempenhou um papel importante na disseminação do pensamento iluminista em toda a Europa. Nascido em 1679 na cidade de Breslau (atual Wroclaw, na Polônia), Wolff foi professor de matemática e filosofia em várias universidades alemãs e publicou uma ampla gama de trabalhos em ambos os campos.

  2. 3 lug 2006 · Christian Wolff (1679-1754), also known as Christian von Wolfius, was a Rationalist philosopher of the German Enlightenment. His corpus includes over 26 titles, spanning more than 42 quarto volumes, with contributions primarily in the areas of mathematics and philosophy. He is often regarded as the central historical figure who links the ...

  3. Christian Wolff absolvierte von 1955 bis 1957 an der Max-Reinhardt-Schule in West-Berlin ein Schauspielstudium. Schon als Jungschauspieler war er bekannt. Sein Debüt gab er 1957 in der Hauptrolle von Veit Harlans umstrittenem Film Anders als du und ich. Die FSK gab diesen Film wegen zu positiver Darstellung der Homosexualität zunächst nicht ...

  4. 9 lug 2019 · Introduction. Christian Wolff (Breslau 1679–Halle 1754) was the leading figure of German academic philosophy in the first half of the eighteenth century and one of the most systematic thinkers of all times. A philosopher, mathematician, and natural and experimental scientist, Wolff contributed to shaping the modern system of knowledge and ...

  5. Christian Wolff, piacere intellettuale Ostinato . C’è un rapporto speciale tra il festival Angelica, rassegna di musiche in cui si cerca la contemporaneità con larghezza di vedute ammirevole, e un compositore americano oggi novantenne che si […]

  6. 克里斯蒂安·沃尔夫(德語: Christian Wolff ,1679年1月24日—1754年4月9日),德国 哲学家 、数学家。 他同時為哲學家 萊布尼茲 的學生。 [2] 他将 哲学 分为理论哲学和实践哲学,前者包括 本体论 、 宇宙论 、 心理学 和 神学 ,统称 形而上学 ,后者包括 伦理学 、 政治学 、 经济学 。

  7. Christian G. Wolff (born March 8, 1934) is an American composer of experimental classical music and classicist. Biography [ edit ] Wolff was born in Nice , France , to the German literary publishers Helen and Kurt Wolff , who had published works by Franz Kafka , Robert Musil , and Walter Benjamin .