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  1. Anglican foundation but focuses on spirituality rather than Christianity. Marlborough College Malaysia ( MCM) is a co-educational British international school in Malaysia for boarding and day pupils. The school is the sister school of Marlborough College in Wiltshire, UK. The college comprises a Pre-Preparatory School for children aged 3 to 8 ...

  2. Marlborough Boys' College is a state single-sex secondary school in Blenheim, New Zealand. The school was established as Marlborough High School in 1899 (renamed Marlborough College in 1919). The school in its current form was established in 1963, after Marlborough Girls' College was split off. Serving Years 9 to 13, the college has 1,010 ...

  3. Das Marlborough College ist eine Schule in der Stadt Marlborough in der Grafschaft Wiltshire, England. Sie wurde 1843 in der Stadt Marlborough in Wiltshire als Schule für die Söhne von Geistlichen der Anglikanischen Kirche gegründet. Marlborough College ist eine Independent School, sie wurde aber nicht im Public Schools Act von 1868 genannt ...

  4. Marlborough College é um internato independente ( particular) britânico, localizado no condado de Wiltshire na Inglaterra. Foi fundado em 1843 para educar os filhos do clero da Igreja da Inglaterra, mas hoje aceita meninos e meninas de todas as crenças. Há aproximadamente 800 estudantes nos dias de hoje, dos quais um terço são meninas.

  5. Marlborough College. Marlborough College is a secondary boarding school in Marlborough, Wiltshire, England. It was started in 1843 for sons of the leaders of the Church of England. It now accepts boys and girls of all religious beliefs, but is classed as a Church of England school. It has a chapel where there is Eucharist every Sunday. [1]

  6. 1843. Marlborough College är en brittisk public school, en privat internatskola. Den grundades 1843 för att utbilda sönerna till Englands prästerskap. Skolan är numera öppen för elever av alla trosriktningar och sedan 1968 för båda könen. Marlborough College har idag ca 800 elever, av vilka ungefär en tredjedel är flickor.

  7. Marlborough College. 51°24′58″N 1°44′13″V. Marlborough College er en britisk privat internatskole i Wiltshire, England. Den ble grunnlagt i 1843 for å utdanne sønnene til det engelske presteskapet. Skolen er åpen for elever av alle trosretninger, og siden 1968 for begge kjønn. Marlborough College har i dag om lag 800 elever, der ...