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  1. Upon Eric I's death, in 1459 Eric II gained Pomerania-Stolp and Pomerania-Rügenwalde due to the claims of his wife. Despite being a partitioned duchy in reality, Pomerania was granted to the dukes as one fief to be co-ruled, which meant that several issues had to be acted upon in common.

  2. Eric di Pomerania (Darłowo, 1381 o 1382 – Darłowo, 3 maggio 1459) noto anche come Erik af Pommern, Erik VII (titolo danese), Erik av Pommern (Eirik III) (titolo norvegese) Erik av Pommern (Eric XIII (VIII)) (titolo svedese) o Erik Pomorski (titolo polacco), venne adottato da Margherita I di Danimarca e divenne re ereditario di Norvegia (1389 - 1442), re eletto di Danimarca (1396 - 1439 ...

  3. From 1449 to 1459, Eric succeeded Bogislaw IX as Duke of Pomerania and ruled Pomerania-Rügenwalde, a small partition of the Duchy of Pomerania-Stolp (Polish: Księstwo Słupskie), as "Eric I". He died in 1459 at Darłowo Castle (German: Schloss Rügenwalde ), and was buried in the Church of St. Mary's at Darłowo in Pomerania.

  4. Alessandra di Pomerania-Stolp (1437 – 17 ottobre 1451) è stata una principessa di Pomerania. Era figlia del duca Boghislao IX di Pomerania-Stolp e di sua moglie Maria di Masovia . L'unica sua sorella a raggiungere l'età adulta fu Sofia , che sposò il duca Eric II di Pomerania-Wolgast .

  5. He married Maria of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (daughter of Henry III, Duke of Mecklenburg) and was the father of Eric of Pomerania and Catherine of Pomerania. In 1377, he became Duke of Pomerania in Pomerania-Stolp; at times he was its coruler with his brother, Bogislaw VIII.

  6. Sofia di Pomerania (Stettino, 1498 – Kiel, 13 maggio 1568) fu una principessa originaria della Pomerania e regina consorte di Danimarca e Norvegia Indice 1 Biografia

  7. In 1478, the state was incorporated into the re-unified Duchy of Pomerania, under the rule of duke Bogislaw X. During its existence, part of its territory was partitioned into Pomerania-Stolp (1368), Pomerania-Neustettin (1368), Pomerania-Barth (1376), and Pomerania-Stargard (1377).