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  1. 1 giorno fa · Da domenica è online il primo singolo della cantante sanremese Jo Lie dal titolo “ Confession “, che apre all’Ep omonimo in uscita quest’estate e comprende 6 tracce. Un viaggio in un ...

  2. 1 giorno fa · The BEST anonymous online confessions, secrets & true stories site. Confess your guilt, problems, stories or dirty secrets with the world anonymously or simply read other people's real uncut confessions and comments. Share, chat and have fun!

  3. 2 giorni fa · The BEST anonymous online confessions, secrets & true stories site. Confess your guilt, problems, stories or dirty secrets with the world anonymously or simply read other people's real uncut confessions and comments. Share, chat and have fun!

  4. 15 ore fa · Vale sempre la pena di ricordare, parlare e rimpiangere Alfred Hitchcock, il grande regista inglese poi naturalizzato americano di cui siamo orfani inconsolabili dal 29 aprile 1980. È uno di quei ...

  5. Confession. So when I was 6 years old I was at my grandma's house with almost all my cousins we were having a great time having a pijama party and stuff, playing games and then all my cousins went to sleep and only my girl cousin Evelyn and me were awake, we were watching TV and then she told me that she was scared to go to the bathroom alone ...

  6. 3 giorni fa · Le sacrement de réconciliation : rétablir sa relation avec Dieu. Se confesser ou recevoir le sacrement de réconciliation, c'est être pardonné - et non pas être condamné - lorsque le péché vous a coupé de la relation de confiance que vous entretenez avec le Seigneur.

  7. 3 giorni fa · Aveu, déclaration que l’on fait de quelque chose. Confession de foi. Appartenance à une secte ou croyance. Mémoires ; autobiographie. Action d’avouer ses péchés à un prêtre, dans l’église catholique, pour obtenir le pardon de Dieu. Aveu, confession.