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  1. Biografia. Giovanni Tetzel, entrato nell'ordine domenicano nel 1489, dopo aver compiuto gli studi teologici nella sua città natale, Lipsia in Sassonia, si distinse subito come brillante predicatore, divenne priore del convento di Glogau e dal 1509 inquisitore in Polonia .

  2. Johann Tetzel OP (c. 1465 – 11 August 1519) was a German Dominican friar and preacher. He was appointed Inquisitor for Poland and Saxony, [1] [2] later becoming the Grand Commissioner for indulgences in Germany.

  3. Johann Tetzel oder Johannes Tetzel, auch Dietze, Dietzel, Tetzell, Detzel, Thizell (* um 1460 oder um 1465 in Pirna oder Leipzig; [2] † 11. August 1519 in Leipzig) war ein deutscher Dominikaner und Ablassprediger.

  4. biografie in religioni. Domenicano (Pirna, Sassonia, 1465 circa - Li psia 1519), predicatore in Sassonia, Slesia, Franconia, dal 1516 sottocommissario per la predicazio...

  5. 11 apr 2024 · Johann Tetzel (born c. 1465, Pirna, Saxony [Germany]—died Aug. 11, 1519, Leipzig) was a German Dominican friar whose preaching on indulgences, considered by many of his contemporaries to be an abuse of the sacrament of penance, sparked Martin Luther’s reaction.

  6. 28 lug 2022 · Johann Tetzel is famous as an effective indulgence salesman who promised people forgiveness of sins in return for the price of a writ of indulgence. His methods are said to have inspired Luther's 95 Theses and started the Protestant Reformation.

  7. TETZEL, Johann. Domenicano, nato a Pirna circa il 1465, morto a Lipsia il 4 luglio 1519. Studiò a Lipsia, vi divenne baccelliere nel 1487, quindi entrò nell'ordine dei predicatori, e fu inquisitore per la Sassonia nel 1509.

  8. Tetzel, Johann. Domenicano tedesco (Pirna, Sassonia, 1465 ca.-Lipsia 1519). Predicatore in Sassonia, Slesia, Franconia, dal 1516 sottocommissario per la predicazione di quell’indulgenza per la fabbrica di San Pietro che indusse Lutero a formulare le 95 tesi di Wittenberg nel 1517.

  9. Meet Johann Tetzel, a Dominican monk who specialized in the selling of indulgences and who particularly drew the ire of Martin Luther.

  10. Johann Tetzel, engraving by N. Bruhl after a contemporary portrait. In the fall of 1517 an ostensibly innocuous event quickly made Luther’s name a household word in Germany.

  11. 8 mag 2018 · Tetzel is best known for his preaching of an indulgence that was the occasion — though not the cause — of Luther's rejection of the doctrine of indulgences. By 1517 Tetzel had already had much experience: he had preached indulgences in ten different cities from 1503 to 1510.

  12. Johannes Tetzel – Reformation 500. A Dominican prior and inquisitor, Johannes Tetzel became notable at the outset of the Reformation as the preacher of indulgences who instigated Luther’s 95 Theses.

  13. 31 ott 2017 · And no one peddled them more zealously than Johann Tetzel, a German friar whose unabashed hawking incited much of Luther's rebellious fury.

  14. Johann Tetzel (l.c. 1465-1519) was a Dominican Friar who became famous as one of the most effective indulgence salesmen and who inadvertently inspired the Protestant Reformation when Martin Luther (l. 1483-1546) wrote his 95 Theses protesting the sale of indulgences generally and Tetzel’s methods specifically, thereby challenging the authority o...

  15. 13 dic 2021 · (54) The indulgence (meaning "to be kind to" or "indulgent of") was understood as proof of God's willingness to forgive since someone of great spiritual merit had vouched for the sinner.

  16. Johann Tetzel. Preacher of indulgences and first public antagonist of Luther, b. 1465; d. Aug. 11, 1519. Listen to the audio version of this content. Click to enlarge. Tetzel, JOHANN, first public antagonist of Luther, b. at Pirna in Meissen, 1465; d. at Leipzig, August 11, 1519.

  17. 28 giu 2017 · Der Schurke der Reformation. Johann Tetzel gilt als die Antithese zu Martin Luther: Er war es, der jene Ablässe verkauft hat, die Luther anprangerte. Das Meiste, was über Tetzel bekannt ist,...

  18. 12 ott 2023 · Johann Tetzel: el vendedor de indulgencias. El monje que recolectó dinero para la construcción de la basílica de San Pedro ofreciendo perdón a los fieles católicos. Sus eslóganes fueron directamente cuestionados en las 95 tesis de Lutero. POR Giovanny Gómez Pérez. Octubre 12 de 2023. Foto: BITE. Escucha este artículo en formato podcast:

  19. First public antagonist of Luther, b. at Pirna in Meissen, 1465; d. at Leipzig, 11 Aug., 1519. He began his studies at Leipzig during the semester of 1482-83; was promoted to the baccalaureate in 1487, being the sixth in a class of fifty-six.

  20. Johann Tetzel wurde 1460 in Sachsen geboren. Er war ein Dominikanermönch. Bekannt wurde er als Ablasshändler. Er verkaufte also gegen Geld den Ablass ans Volk [siehe auch: Was ist ein Ablassbrief? ]. Der Auftrag. Schon seit 1504 war Tetzel als Ablassprediger in verschiedenen Gegenden unterwegs, vor allem in Sachsen, Süddeutschland und Österreich.

  21. 28 lug 2022 · Illustration. by Unknown Artist. published on 28 July 2022. Download Full Size Image. An early 18th-century print showing Johann Tetzel (l.c. 1465-1519), a Dominican Friar who became famous as one of the most effective indulgence salesmen in the Catholic church. Remove Ads. Advertisement. License & Copyright.

  22. El fraile dominico Johann Tetzel (también llamado Johannes Tetzel, y apellidado Dietze, Dietzel, Tetzell, Detzel, Thizell, Pirna, 1460~1465- Leipzig, 11 de agosto de 1519), cuyo nombre pasó a la historia indisociablemente ligado al llamado tráfico de indulgencias, se encargó de la venta de indulgencias en numerosas regiones de Alemania .

  23. 28 lug 2022 · Johann Tetzel (c. 1465-1519) fue un fraile dominico que se hizo famoso como uno de los vendedores de indulgencias más eficaces y que sin saberlo inspiró la Reforma protestante cuando Martín Lutero (1483-1546) escribió sus 95 Tesis protestando por la venta de indulgencias en general y por los métodos de Tetzel en particular, desafiando así la aut...