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  1. 6 giorni fa · Hümaşah Sultan (Ottoman Turkish: هماشاہ سلطان, "phoenix of the Şah"; 1543-1582), also known as Hüma Sultan, was an Ottoman princess, the daughter of Şehzade Mehmed (1521–1543) and the granddaughter of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire, and his favourite consort and legal wife Hurrem Sultan.

  2. 3 giorni fa · In 1792, when Esma was fourteen, her cousin Selim III arranged her marriage to Küçük Hüseyin Pasha, who was captain of the seas. Hüseyin Pasha was born in 1758, and was of Circassian origin, he was presented to the palace by Silahtar Ibrahim Pasha, and has taken his education from Enderûn, he entered in the service of Şehzade Mehmed, the half-brother of Sultan Selim that died in infancy ...

  3. 6 giorni fa · Il miliardario re della Malesia, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar, si è insediato sabato 20 luglio. La cerimonia ha formalizzato l’incoronazione del 17esimo re della Malesia, avvenuta sei mesi fa.

  4. 4 giorni fa · Mahmud Pasha (1853–1903) Ottoman of Georgian descent. Damat Mahmud Jalaluddin Pasha (b. Istanbul 1853 - d. Brussels (17 January 1903) was an Ottoman statesman, poet and writer.

  5. 5 giorni fa · Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ( AFI: [ɾeˈd͡ʒep tɑjˈjip ˈæɾdoːɑn], ascolta ⓘ; Istanbul, 26 febbraio 1954) è un politico turco, 12º e attuale presidente della Turchia. In precedenza ha ricoperto la carica di Primo ministro dal 2003 al 2014 e di sindaco di Istanbul dal 1994 al 1998.

  6. 4 giorni fa · Hüseyin Tevfik Paşa'nın Linear Algebra adlı kitabının ilk baskısının iç kapağı. Vidinli Hüseyin Tevfik Paşa (d. 1832, Vidin - ö. 1901, İstanbul) bir Osmanlı generali (Müşir) ve matematikçisi. Lineer cebir üzerine çalışmaları ile bilinir.

  7. 4 giorni fa · Sultan Sulejman Veličanstveni je došao na vlast sa 26 godina, 20. septembra 1520. godine i vladao je narednih 46 godina. Sulejman je lično, na čelu svoje armije, učestvovao u deset vojnih pohoda u Evropi i tri u Aziji.