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  1. 4 giorni fa · Khaled Hosseini (born March 4, 1965, Kabul, Afghanistan) is an Afghan-born American novelist who is known for his vivid depictions of Afghanistan, most notably in The Kite Runner (2003). Hosseini grew up in Kabul; his father was a diplomat and his mother a secondary-school teacher.

  2. 2 giorni fa · Leggere il cacciatore di aquiloni tocca le corde del cuore. Hosseini ci trasporta in una terra, l'Afghanistan, prima dalla tempesta di guerre violente, a partire dalla seconda metà degli anni '70. Il giovane ragazzino, Amir, vive nella Kabul dei privilegiati, cresce senza madre, con il padre Baba ricco e prosperoso.

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  3. 4 giorni fa · Khaled Hosseini è nato a Kabul, conosce bene questa terra, e nei suoi romanzi ne racconta le mille sfaccettature, descrivendone la storia e le origini, le antiche tradizioni, conflitti interni, governi filo-sovietici fino l'ascesa dei Talebani.

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  4. 5 giorni fa · In questa storia che ruota attorno non solo a genitori e figli, ma anche a fratelli e sorelle, Hosseini esplora i molti modi in cui i membri delle famiglie alimentano, feriscono, tradiscono, onorano, e si sacrificano l'uno per l'altro.

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  5. 3 giorni fa · All this description of motherhood might make one look at it reverentially – especially women, who might begin to wait to become mothers someday sooner or later. However, Hosseini, in his bestselling novel attempts to look at motherhood in a more nuanced and empathetic way. His portrayal of motherhood is closer to reality.

  6. 5 giorni fa · The Taliban administration (1996–2001) undoubtedly inflicted unimaginable suffering on Afghan women, but the struggle for gender equality in Afghanistan has deep roots. In his novel, ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’, Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini vividly portrays the harrowing experiences of women before, during, and after the war.

  7. 2 giorni fa · Die Deutschen Turn-Meisterschaften sind für Milan Hosseini von der TG Böckingen auch die erste Qualifikation zu den Olympischen Spielen. Der 22-Jährige hat sich längst voll auf sein großes ...