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  1. 2 giorni fa · One of the first involvements of the military in Serbia’s politics took place in 1842, when Toma Vučić Perišić, who was one the leaders in both uprisings, took control over the embryonic Serbian military, ousted Mihailo Obrenović, Miloš’s son, and enthroned Aleksandar Karađorđević, Karađorđe’s son (Marković, 2014, p. 75).

  2. 3 giorni fa · Soon after this, the Karađorđević dynasty has replaced the Obrenović dynasty, and Knez Aleksandar Karađorđević became the ruler. By the decision of St. Andrew's Assembly, in 1858, Aleksandar war dethroned.

  3. 3 giorni fa · The first public monument in Belgrade was erected in 1848, at today's Karađorđev park, and dedicated to the heroes of the First Serbian Insurrection died in 1806 during the conquest of Belgrade. The monument was erected by Knez Aleksandar Karađorđević.

  4. 3 giorni fa · SZABADKAI HISTÓRIÁK. Mikor jön a trónörökös? Szerző: Patyi Szilárd. ma 10:11. Százöt évvel ezelőtt júliusban az a hír járta a helyi sajtóban, hogy Aleksandar Karađorđević, az SZHSZ Királyság régense és trónörököse Szabadkára látogat. A Délvidék (az egykori Bácskai Napló) című szabadkai politikai napilap 1919 ...

  5. 2 giorni fa · In the middle XIX century, in the upper part of the street was the garden of Knez Aleksandar Karađorđević. After the making of the regulation plan of Belgrade in 1867, by Emilijan Josimović, the street has soon been built and gained its physionomy and content.

  6. 3 giorni fa · VELIKI OLIMPIJSKI STADION IZ BEOGRADA ŽIVI I DANAS U ZAGREBU I SPLITU! Priča o sportskom objektu o kojem se malo zna. Već su ispričane mnoge priče kao podsećanja na vreme predratno kada je Beograd bio već viđen za domaćina Olimpijskih igara 1948. u vreme poratno. Samo, eto, niko nije računao da će ponovo postojati i taj pojam vreme ...

  7. 4 giorni fa · Malo koji narod može da se pohvali sa jednim ovako impozantnim spomenikom kojim su Crnogorci odali poštu ne samo vladaru Njegošu već i pjesniku. Na Jezerskom vrhu na Lovćenu, na visini od 1660 metara nalazi se mauzolej Petra II Petrovića Njegoša.