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  1. 4 giorni fa · Four years after its initial PS4 release, Sucker Punch's Ghost of Tsushima arrives on PC, ported by Nixxes Software. Initial impressions of the port were favourable, but having now spent around a ...

  2. 3 giorni fa · Summary: Ghost of Tsushima is one of the best samurai stories told in the history of video games. Its combat might not be as breathtaking and perfect as Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice but its world, side-quests, exploration, beautiful landscapes, and coherent gameplay mechanics, narrative and their evolution make it a timeless experience. 4.5.

  3. 4 giorni fa · comunicato stampa Arriverà al cinema solo per due giorni, il 20 e 22 giugno, RITE HERE RITE NOW, il film evento realizzato nel corso dei due spettacoli sold-out dei GHOST al Forum di Los Angeles. RITE HERE RITE NOW coinvolgerà completamente gli spettatori nel melodramma in technicolor del famoso rituale dal vivo che ha contribuito

  4. 2 giorni fa · Negli ultimi giorni Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut è arrivato anche su PC, la versione ultra definitiva che darà ai possessori di macchine molto performanti -e non solo – di mettere mano sul titolo, e di sfruttarne le potenzialità al meglio, anche oltre quelle di PlayStation 5. Scopriamola insieme nella nostra recensione.

  5. 3 giorni fa · That is how RAM works you load as much as possible into it for ease of access as RAM is faster to access than storage. A memory leak would be when something is supposed to be unloaded from RAM but isn't so as long as it stays in the 20GB your OS as allocated for it it's not a memory leak. The game uses 20-21 gb of ram for me.

  6. 3 giorni fa · Welcome to the Shred Druid endgame guide! This build is all about Dashing quickly from enemy to enemy, dealing big Critical Strikes that are further enhanced through Stormclaw's Aspect. It boasts exceptional mobility and clear speed that can rival the fastest builds in the game while also being one of the easiest to play.

  7. 1) Ghost Hop. Ghost Hop. Weak attacks' damage increases 40% When attacked by an attack that would cause Resist, damage taken will be reduced 25%. [Start of battle] Recovers own BP (+3) Grants self Ghost Hopper* (Effect permanent in battle). * Ghost Hopper – [When landing an attack] Recovers own HP (very small effect).