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  1. 4 giorni fa · WASHINGTON (AP) — John Podesta was two months into his new role as President Joe Biden’s top climate diplomat when he faced his first international crisis — what to serve for dinner.

  2. 3 giorni fa · John Podesta, now Americas top climate diplomat, is also in charge of the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act. His dual hats will inevitably draw trade and climate talks closer together, and that will be a tough test for the resilience of bilateral climate engagement.

  3. 3 giorni fa · Circa 300 famiglie dell’etnia Guna costrette alla ricollocazione nell’entroterra: le loro abitazione solo mezzo metro sopra il livello del mare sono minacciate dall’innalzamento delle acque.

  4. 5 giorni fa · John Podesta, a Democratic political strategist and energy expert. [Photo provided to] Significant contributions.

  5. 4 giorni fa · World leaders, including John Podesta, are working to raise ambition on climate action and mobilize funds for a global transition to clean energy. Mukhtar Babayev, President-Designate of the 2024 UN Climate Summit, aims to secure a new climate finance deal to support developing countries' transition to low-carbon economies.

  6. 4 giorni fa · The release was made public on Saturday following a meeting of the two countries' working group on enhancing climate action in the 2020s, which is co-led by, John Podesta, US' senior advisor to the president for international climate policy and China's Special Envoy for Climate Change Liu Zhenmin from Wednesday to Thursday.

  7. 3 giorni fa · Neben dem Gastgeber Arnold Schwarzenegger selbst, Bundespräsidenten Alexander Van der Bellen und zahlreichen österreichischen Politker*innen verspricht der Vormittag durch die Teilnahme von EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen und John Podesta, dem Sondergesandter des US-Präsidenten für das Klima, besonders spannend zu werden.