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  1. 13 ore fa · Heavy Soul is her twelfth release, and like 2021’s The Blues Album, she tells us straight out what she is aiming for. This is the first time she’s worked with renowned producer Kevin Shirley. Together, they recruited a bunch of Nashville ‘cats,” some of whom you often see on Americana releases, such as Doug Lancio, Anton Fig, Allison Presswood, Jimmy Wallace, and Rob McNelly.

  2. 4 giu 2024 · Not a bad theory, but I prefer the one for like 2 years ago or whatever when gamestop jumped to $185.10 a share, yeah you read that right, same as Berk A dropped to today, and basically the DD / data was saying they were using Berk A as collateral for GME and some dark pool, off market shit whatever, so when it went to $185.10 today, I was like holy shit, they were right.

  3. 13 ore fa · The New Moon in Gemini arrives on June 6, 2024 – find out what the transit means for your sign with a tarot manifestation reading.

  4. Obtloustlý Eric má diktátorskou dceru, čtyřletého syna, který je neustále kojený, psa s ochrnutými hlasivkami a předstírá, že je spolumajitelem úspěšné firmy se zahradním nábytkem. Kurt je zase snaživým a nedoceňovaným mužem v domácnosti, který očekává třetí přírůstek do rodiny. Má příšernou tchyni, která ...