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  1. Piney: The Lonesome Pine. A cheerful girl grows a talking pine named Piney to be her Christmas tree. Piney's unexpected journey is filled with love, hope and inspiration. Watch full episode of Piney The Lonesome Pine season 1 episode 1, "Piney: The Lonesome Pine".

  2. You’ll most likely remember that last year that a tree by Hadrian’s Wall which featured in Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves way back in 1992 was cut down

  3. You’ll most likely remember that last year that a tree by Hadrian’s Wall which featured in Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves way back in 1992 was cut down

  4. Videogiochi preferiti: Team Fortress 2, Omori, Outer Wilds, Darkest Dungeon, Lisa. (Lo so sono tanti non so decidermi) Manga preferiti: Berserk, I Am A Hero e Buonanotte PunPun. In un vasto panorama di streaming, Amazon Prime Video potrebbe avere la migliore selezione in circolazione, ecco 25 film da vedere.

  5. Last year, the Inquirer interviewed author William J. Lewis about his book, “New Jersey’s Lost Piney Culture,” which is a celebration of the word “piney.” The book does delve into early misconceptions of Pine Barrens residents, including former New Jersey Governor James F. Fielder’s stance that its residents should be sterilized.

  6. Actor and first-time director Chris Pine joins NPR's Rachel Martin to draw a card from the Wild Card deck.

  7. Smithsonian Folkways Recordings has released a new single for The Po’ Ramblin’ Boys, a song written by guitarist Josh Rinkel called Lonely Pine. Readers who attended the 2023 IBMA Bluegrass Music Awards show, or watched it online, should remember this song as it was debuted that night in Raleigh.