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  1. 3 giorni fa · Film professionals and crew members converged in Beijing for a news conference unveiling the highly anticipated film The Snowscape of Saibei, which delves into the remarkable evolution of the Saibei region in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, from a barren desert to a flourishing oasis.

  2. 5 giorni fa · Die besten Abenteuer- und Outdoorfilme des Jahres mit dem höchsten filmischen Niveau bilden das 120-minütige Programm des Alpen Film Festivals 2024.

    • Snowscape film1
    • Snowscape film2
    • Snowscape film3
    • Snowscape film4
  3. 2 giorni fa · Scarica qui il database completo della classificazione delle opere per anno di assegnazione in formato .csv. Consultare le opere cinematografiche per le quali è stata richiesta la classificazione secondo il sistema di tutela dei minori.

  4. 3 giorni fa · Guida ai nuovi film Netflix da vedere nel mese di Giugno 2024, tra titoli romantici, thriller, commedie, horror e documentari per trovare quello giusto per te.

  5. 1 giorno fa · Snow cover between 1954 and 2012 has reduced by 30% and the length of the ski season has already contracted by 17% – 28% across most Australian alpine resorts. Businesses and regional communities at present are experiencing the impacts of climate change and these impacts are projected to worsen rapidly without decisive climate mitigation.

  6. 2 giorni fa · An internationally famous Cambodian dancer has rejected suggestions she could be a beauty queen or actress, choosing instead to focus on sharing her country’s traditional arts.

  7. 6 giorni fa · Na obří, luxusní lodi Poseidon se všichni pasažéři baví a oslavují příchod nového roku. Zcela odlišná je situace na můstku. Je slyšet dunění, a když se první důstojník zahledí do tmy, spatří gigantickou vlnu. Tsunami míří na bok lodi a námořníci se marně snaží loď otočit přídí k vlně.