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  1. 4 giorni fa · il. 26 Maggio 2024. Di. Paolo Pavan. TORINO – Era il 2014, dieci anni fa giusti, quando il primo ciclone Thirty Seconds to Mars si abbatté su Torino, sul palco l’iconica figura di Jared Leto ...

  2. 3 giorni fa · Live report du concert de Deap Vally le 24 mai 2024 à La Maroquinerie de Paris dans le cadre de la tournée d'adieu "Live For The Last Time Farewell Tour".

  3. 2 giorni fa · El futuro nos deparará el camino de Lindsey en solitario y el nuevo proyecto de Julie, Dosiopath, al que también hemos visto en la gira de despedida como una de las aperturas de sus conciertos, donde comparte formación con Solon Bixler (30 Seconds to Mars, Great Northern).

  4. 5 giorni fa · 30 Seconds to Mars es una banda estadounidense de rock alternativo formada en 1998 en Los Ángeles (California). Integrada originalmente por tres miembros: Jared Leto, Matt Wachter y Shannon Leto (batería), a quienes más tarde se les uniría el guitarrista Solon Bixler.

  5. 5 giorni fa · 1977 - Solon Bixler, chitarrista e batterista statunitense; 1977 - Irán Castillo, attrice e cantautrice messicana; 1977 - Jonathan Cochet, pilota automobilistico francese; 1977 - Horia Colibășanu, alpinista rumeno; 1977 - Nenad Džodić, ex calciatore serbo; 1977 - Graham Elliot, cuoco e personaggio televisivo statunitense

  6. 4 giorni fa · Then it's a trove of new music from David Bixler, Matt Wilson, Kerry Politzer and Bobby Brown. We wrap it up with David Benoit's "Fuzzy Logic." Dig the jazz, my friends. Playlist. Christopher Burnett "Infinity" Originals (ARC Records) 0:00; Host talks 3:22; Karrin Allyson "Antigua" A Kiss for Brazil (Origin Records) 7:15

  7. 5 giorni fa · They were trained relentlessly from a very young age and were the envy of the rest of Greek society. Having thus given Sparta its signature existence, Lycurgus made the government promise to keep things the same until he returned. He died in solitude. The government kept its promise. The author of the most famous Athenian laws was Solon , who ...