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  1. 4 giorni fa · La giovane democrazia indonesiana negli ultimi tempi sta subendo pressioni. A febbraio è stato votato a larga maggioranza l’ex generale e braccio destro del dittatore Suharto, Prabowo Subianto, che inaugurerà il mandato presidenziale in autunno.

  2. 2 giorni fa · Soeharto, (pelafalan dalam bahasa Indonesia: [/suːˈhɑːrtɔ/]; ER, EYD: Suharto; 8 Juni 1921 – 27 Januari 2008) adalah Presiden kedua Indonesia yang menjabat dari tahun 1967 hingga 1998.

  3. › wiki › SukarnoSukarno - Wikipedia

    20 ore fa · Suharto ordered troops to take over the RRI radio station and Merdeka Square itself. On the afternoon of that day, Suharto issued an ultimatum to the Halim Air Force Base , where the G30S had based themselves and where Sukarno (the reasons for his presence are unclear and were subject of claim and counter-claim), Air Marshal Omar Dhani, and PKI chairman Aidit had gathered.

  4. 2 giorni fa · Rory Stewart, 51 anni, ha iniziato la sua vita lavorativa come diplomatico all’ambasciata britannica di Giacarta quando finì il governo trentennale di Suharto e in Montenegro quando ci fu la ...

  5. 3 giorni fa · Suharto, a spokesperson for the court, said the court had approved the changes, filed by the Garuda Party, an obscure group aligned with the ruling coalition.

  6. 20 ore fa · Meski demikian, Suharto enggan mengomentari mengenai upaya pendalaman yang telah dilakukan KY. "Tanyakan saja ke KY apa latar belakang dan maksudnya," ujar Suharto. Adapun Anggota KY Joko Sasmito sebelumnya mengatakan bahwa pihaknya telah menginstruksikan Tim Pengawasan Perilaku Hakim (Waskim) dan Investigasi untuk mendalami putusan MA tentang perubahan minimal batas usia calon kepala daerah.

  7. 5 giorni fa · From 1967 until 1998, President Suharto ruled Indonesia with his 'New Order' government. Suharto lost power in 1998, and free and fair legislative elections took place in 1999. Indonesia is now a democratic, multi-party, presidential republic, with power divided between executive, legislative, and judicial branches.