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  1. 4 giorni fa · The trial of Adolf Eichmann with Trudy Gold. May 29 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT. Virtual Event. $12.00. Tickets. 1764 - Eichmann Trial. Wed. May 29 @ 4pm. $ 12.00 + HST. Unlimited. - +. Get Tickets. The Eichmann Trial. Adolf Eichmann was the bureaucrat responsible for the implementation of the murder of the Jews of Europe.

  2. 2 giorni fa · In 1960, on hearing of Adolf Eichmann's capture and plans for his trial, Hannah Arendt contacted The New Yorker and offered to travel to Israel to cover it when it opened on 11 April 1961. Arendt was anxious to test her theories, developed in The Origins of Totalitarianism , and see how justice would be administered to the sort of ...

  3. 5 giorni fa · (AGENPARL) - Roma, 28 Maggio 2024(AGENPARL) – mar 28 maggio 2024 UNARCHIVE FOUND FOOTAGE FEST II Edizione: dal 28 maggio al 2 giugno 2024 Panel e Masterclass Dialoghi e incontri tra professionisti, esperti e autori sul riuso creativo delle immagini Mercoledì 29 maggio – ore 10:00 Masterclass Sergei Loznitsa In collaborazione con Università IULM modera

  4. 5 giorni fa · AKA: Hannah Arendt (eng), Hannah Arendt (Hannah Arendt) (Margarethe von Trotta, 2012) (eng) Movie Rating:7.1 / 10 (11771) [ Her ideas changed the world ] - Hannah Arendt is a portrait of the genius that shook the world with her discovery of “the banality of evil.”. After she attends the Nazi Adolf Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem, Arendt ...

  5. 4 giorni fa · Il festival ha scelto come film di apertura della sua seconda edizione (28 maggio, ore 19 al Cinema Intrastevere) la sua opera The Kiev Trial, il film che narra il processo noto anche come la “Norimberga di Kiev”, svoltosi nel gennaio del 1946 nell’Unione Sovietica (caso n. 1679) sulle atrocità commesse dagli invasori fascisti sul territorio della RSS Ucraina, uno dei primi processi che ...

  6. 2 giorni fa · The trial opened in an atmosphere of extreme violence—Zola had been the object of "the most shameful attacks" as well as important support and congratulations. Fernand Labori, Zola's lawyer, intended to call about 200 witnesses. The details of the Dreyfus affair, unknown to most of the public, were published in the press.

  7. 2 giorni fa · Adolf Eichmann, hoofd van de Gestapo, ontving bevelen van Hitler om het Jodenprobleem aan te pakken. Hij regelde zelf de massavernietiging van 6 miljoen Joden, voornamelijk in concentratiekampen zoals Auschwitz. Na de nederlaag van Duitsland vluchtte Eichmann met zijn minnares Anna Kemp naar Barcelona.