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  1. 1 giorno fa · Summary. Ivan Illich’s curriculum vitae provides the frame through which to elaborate three insights—neither curricular, ideologic, utopian, nor messianic, yet penetrating contemporary givens: the institutionalization of values, the “ritualization of progress,” and the perversion of persons under the regime of scarcity.

  2. 2 giorni fa · Ce programme retrace la critique de l’Autrichien Ivan Illich sur le rôle d’exclusion du système éducatif dans son livre «Société sans école», qui a eu une grande influence dans les anné…

  3. 1 giorno fa · Nella tre giorni di settembre, partendo da una riflessione sull’impegno contemporaneo ispirata da Alexander Langer – fondatore della Fiera delle Utopie Concrete in Umbria e tra le figure di riferimento dei Colloqui di Dobbiaco – e dallo storico filosofo austriaco Ivan Illich, si discuterà di pazienza e perseveranza, fiducia e azioni per sconfiggere la policrisi, neologismo che racconta ...

  4. 4 giorni fa · The recalcitrant Catholic priest Ivan Illich, perhaps more than anyone else, felt the millennia-long transitions in communication and their relationship to how we imagine our minds.

  5. 5 giorni fa · Ivan Illich was a “radically orthodoxmonsignor who remained tradition-minded his entire life. With Pope Francis, his hour may have finally arrived.

  6. 1 giorno fa · La vita scorre placida senza che dubbi o contraddizioni di sorta possano scalfire la compiaciuta coscienza di Ivan Il’ic. Poi accade l’imponderabile: un banale incidente domestico è all’origine di una lunga ed implacabile malattia.

  7. 3 giorni fa · “What Pope Francis and Ivan Illich Prioritize in Common: Anti-clericialism, the Global South and the Cry of the Poor.” Elias Crim surveys the growing interest in Ivan Illich and suggests some of the reasons for the recent attention to him: “I recently suggested to a thoughtful Catholic friend that he read Cayley’s biography as an introduction to Illich’s ideas.