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  1. 21 ore fa · Anthropic has just announced that it has made significant progress in understanding the inner workings of artificial intelligence models. Anthropic has identified how to represent millions of concepts of eigenfunctions in ClaudeSonnet. This is the first detailed understanding of a modern production-grade large-scale language model. This interpretability will help us improve the safety of ...

  2. 21 ore fa · How to send a group message to everyone on WeChat? WeChat is a free social chat tool that is commonly used by everyone today. WeChat charges no fees for messages, voice or video calls, making our daily communication more convenient and faster. In our daily lives, it is inevitable that there are some important matters, notifications, or other content that need to be sent to a large number of ...

  3. 21 ore fa · As a women's health management app, Meiyou provides a wealth of health record functions. But over time, you may want to delete some history that you no longer need. So, how to delete the history records in Meiyou? Next, follow the editor to take a look! How to delete Meiyou history? Answer: [Meiyou]-[Me]-[Collection]-[History]-[Edit]-[Clear with one click]. Specific steps: 1. First open the ...

  4. 21 ore fa · NeRF is no longer "afraid" of near specular reflections. Early NeRF variants used multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) to map from 3D coordinates to volumetric density and viewpoint-dependent color, but representing detailed 3D geometry and color required training of large MLPs and evaluation is extremely slow. Recent work has focused on making NeRF more efficient by replacing large MLPs with voxel ...

  5. 21 ore fa · How do I clear up wasteland as a newbie in the God Realm by buying equipment? As a very fun role-playing game, it is still very fun for me to farm equipment in the God Realm. Many new players have recently entered this game, but many novice players do not know how to open up wasteland in the early stage. Today I will teach you my novice land reclamation skills in the God Realm equipment ...

  6. 21 ore fa · The master Karpathy is no longer satisfied with using C language to create Llama! The latest challenge he gave himself: to reproduce the classic results of OpenAI, starting with the basic version of GPT-2. The success of the challenge itself is not unexpected, but it only cost 20 US dollars and 90 minutes to complete the training, and the loss and evaluation exceeded the original version, just ...

  7. 21 ore fa · The operation method of "Migu Kuaiyou" free access allows users to play for free, giving users the most diverse gaming experience. However, there is a limit on the game time in Migu Quick Tour. If you still want to play after the play time has passed, you need to use some methods to obtain additional time. Migu Kuaiyou free access duration 1. Open the Migu Kuaiyou software, click on Me in the ...