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  1. 23 ore fa · Jake Paltrow speaks about his Hebrew-language film ‘June Zero’. Set in the aftermath of the Eichmann trial, June Zero takes a new approach to a familiar story. Courtesy of Cohen Media Group ...

  2. 2 giorni fa · It’s a film that provides viewers with provocative questions about the prickly morality of Eichmann’s extradition and execution (the former illegal under international law and the latter the first in the nation’s history), as much about its country’s own founding, wondering if a land built partly on retribution is at risk of falling under its own traumatic anger.

  3. 1 giorno fa · June Zero is an ambitious film, one that wants to depict a significant moment in our recent history through a personal account or, rather, a series of personal accounts from the various characters on screen, contrary to much of the other media coverage on the event which focused mainly on the figure of Adolf Eichmann himself.

  4. › 2024/06/24 › june-zeroJune Zero – My Film Agenda

    1 giorno fa · The 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann, a principal architect of the Holocaust, is revisited from the unique perspectives of three distinct figures: Eichmann’s Jewish Moroccan prison guard, an Israeli police investigator who also happens to be a Holocaust survivor and a precocious and clever 13-year-old Libyan immigrant.

  5. 23 ore fa · Il lunedì del cinema: Un’ombra sulla verità, thriller che scandaglia paure e debolezze dell'Occidente. Online il 1° luglio. Per il decimo appuntamento de 'Il lunedì del cinema', Repubblica e BiM Distribuzione presentano il thriller psicologico di Philippe Le Guay con François Cluzet e Bérénice Bejo.

  6. 1 giorno fa · L'ammirazione di Polkes era ricambiato da Eichmann, che affermava: “se fossi stato ebreo, sarei stato un sionista fanatico. In effetti, sarei stato il sionista più ardente che ci fosse”.

  7. 4 giorni fa · Dalla banalità del male, alla sua banalizzazione. "La banalità del male" Eichmann a Gerusalemme è un saggio, tratto dal diario scritto da Hannah Arendt filosofa, storica e scrittrice tedesca, di origini ebraiche sul processo al gerarca nazista da inviata del settimanale The New Yorker.