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  1. › 2024/05/29 › 8487I piaceri della lettura

    3 giorni fa · Proprio ispirandomi a Jane Austen e alla sua più fedele seguace, Georgette Heyer, ho scritto il mio primo racconto Regency. Inizialmente era solo in versione ebook a cui poi è seguita la versione cartacea, con mia somma soddisfazione perché la preferisco decisamente, così come la copertina, non amando quelle versioni moderne.

  2. 19 ore fa · I found this book a little cheesy but that is the nature of Georgette Heyer’s Historical Fiction. The story line follows a heroine trying to climb the social latter; however, the story line focuses on ironic and silly romantic characters trying to find a partners with many silly mistakes and wrong turns along the way.

  3. 3 giorni fa · Along with that, though, in a very different vein, was Georgette Heyer. My parents collect Georgette Heyers as well. Georgette Heyer was an author who wrote mysteries, historical, and she’s most well known for her regency romances. Growing up, I read all of them. Every single one. I love regency romance as a category, specifically because of ...

  4. 3 giorni fa · Every week there were Georgette Heyer novels to be shelved. Curious, she checked one out and became immersed in the world of the regency. Fast forward ten years. When attending Science Fiction Conventions she met people who read science fiction; but also enjoyed the works of Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer, just as she did.

  5. 19 ore fa · The book’s inner cover describes the book as “Robin Hobb meets Georgette Heyer meets Bernard Cornwell”. To me, it is more like “Jane Austen meets Godzilla”, where regency manners meet legendary monsters. Although the Sentinels only really appear at the end of the book, I’m sure that we’ll read more about them in future books.

  6. 2 giorni fa · Georgette Heyer. Angaben. > Produktart: Buch. ISBN-10: 3-499-11727-4. ISBN-13: 978-3-499-11727-5. Verlag: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag (rororo), Reinbek. Herstellungsland: Deutschland. Erscheinungsjahr: April 1985. Seitenanzahl: 213. Sprache: Deutsch. Bindung/Medium: broschiert. Verfügbarkeit. > weitere Ausgaben. > 1.) Charity Girl. Georgette Heyer.

  7. 2 giorni fa · I can mostly think of books with Hangers On (where the Hero/Heroine comes with family/obligations of some sort), and for some reason, mostly Georgette Heyer books. Georgette Heyer: – Black Sheep – Frederica (includes Frederica’s underage siblings) – Lady of Quality – Faro’s Daughter – Regency Buck (sort of) – The Nonesuch is technically the inverse of this, because the heroine ...