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  1. 2 giorni fa · Two female descendants of the Babenbergs, Frederick’s niece Gertrude and his sister Margaret, were considered to embody the claims to the heritage. Gertrude married first the Bohemian prince Vladislav and afterward the margrave Hermann of Baden, who died in 1250.

  2. 6 giorni fa · The Babenberg court was famous enough to attract some of the leading German poets. At the beginning of the 13th century, the saga known as the Nibelungenlied was written down by an unknown Austrian. Historical writing flourished in the monasteries. The era also produced first-rate Romanesque and early

  3. 3 giorni fa · Gertrude Abercrombie è stata una figura distintiva nel panorama dell’arte surrealista americana del XX secolo, celebrata per il suo stile enigmatico e la capacità di creare atmosfere suggestive e ricche di simbolismo. Nata nel 1909 a Austin, Texas, e trapiantata a Chicago, Illinois, Abercrombie ha sviluppato un approccio unico alla pittura ...

  4. 1 giorno fa · Heuer findet die Erlebnisführung mit Margarete von Babenberg bereits zum dritten Mal statt. Termin: Sonntag, 21. Juli 2024 - vormittags/Führung um 16 Uhr Wo: Badeteich/Freizeitanlage Um ...

  5. 1 giorno fa · Erlebnisführung mit Margarete von Babenberg. 2. Juli 2024, 13:33 Uhr. Mundschenk Franz Sinhuber, Zofe Gaby Gaukel, Margarete von Babenberg, ihre Nichte Gertrud alias Christine Karl ...

  6. 3 giorni fa · Austria-Hungary constituted the last phase in the constitutional evolution of the Habsburg monarchy: it was formed with the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 in the aftermath of the Austro-Prussian War and was dissolved shortly after Hungary terminated the union with Austria on 31 October 1918.

  7. 3 giorni fa · CITTADELLA DEL CAPO (CS) – Tre giornate de “Il Paese di Gertrude”, kermesse unica nel suo genere che taglia il traguardo della settima edizione ricca di appuntamenti in cui si mescolano arte,...