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  1. 2 giorni fa · That she avoided this fate was down to the actions of the "least of Her generals" - Armand Maurice de Saxe - the illegitimate son of King August "the strong" of Saxony-Poland who, having defeated the Allied invasion of northern France in 1744, used this as a springboard to then conquer the Austrian Netherlands, defeating the Allies ...

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  2. 3 giorni fa · There had been no lancers in the French hosts since the XVIth century, though the great Maurice de Saxe had vainly tried to get them introduced in the time of Louis XV. Indeed, the lance was nowhere used in Europe from 1600 down to the very end of the XVIIIth century save among the Poles.

  3. 3 giorni fa · Et à cette date, que vient faire l’autre personnage historique, Maurice de Saxe ? Ah, sans doute un homonyme…C’est piquant parce que le maréchal de Saxe fut l’inventeur du théâtre aux armées et que Sarah Bernhardt joua sur le front en 1916, mais cela nous informe-t-il sur l’opéra ?

  4. 5 giorni fa · Regarding one of Pammenes' Persian victories, we have two descriptions: "Pammenes, the Theban, having observed the battle-line of the Persians, where the most powerful troops were posted on the right wing, drew up his own men also on the same plan, putting all his cavalry and the bravest of his infantry on the right wing, but stationing opposite the bravest of the enemy his own weakest troops ...

  5. 2 giorni fa · De Gaulle stressed how Maurice de Saxe had banned volley fire, how French armies of the Napoleonic period had relied on infantry column attack, and how French military power had declined in the nineteenth century because of – supposedly – excessive concentration on firepower rather than élan.

  6. 5 giorni fa · 香波堡融合了傳統法國中古時代的形式與古典義大利的法國文藝復興建築。 這座城堡集合了中世紀要塞的宏偉壯闊和義大利文藝復興的豐富內涵,卻沒有任何可以居住或是軍事防禦的實質功能。 再加上地處偏僻,物資往來不便,歷任的國王都極少來此遊玩。 「法國古堡的王后Château de Chenonceau香儂索堡」的以女性為主導者,倍受各代堡主的恩寵與注⽬, 香波堡號稱「法國古堡的國王」,卻名不符實的在百年前的數百年中,少受關注的甚⾄到被荒廢的地步,歷任堡主均為男性,卻寫下了曾經淒涼的歷史ê. 12世紀 Chambord莊園原是Blois伯爵家族的狩獵之地。

  7. 2 giorni fa · The artist currently known as Princess. It may have taken almost two decades to be recognised as a royal love child, but Delphine of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha is now, officially, a Princess of Belgium. While her extraordinary story initially shook the Belgian establishment, Delphine is now being embraced as the royal family’s newest member.