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  1. 4 giorni fa · Institut Florimont launches its Innovation, Research, and Development Unit. In a world where one technological breakthrough quickly follows another, it is our duty to prepare our students for the challenges that lie ahead. Artificial intelligence, collaborative tools, and digitalization are now integral parts of 21st-century learning.

  2. 4 giorni fa · Dans un monde où une avancée technologique chasse l’autre, il nous appartient de préparer au mieux nos élèves aux défis qui les attendent. Intelligence artificielle, outils collaboratifs ou digitalisation sont aujourd’hui partie intégrante des apprentissages du 21 ème siècle.

  3. 5 giorni fa · Sabem que si volem ser un centre lector, l'alumnat, el professorat, el PAS i les famílies han de tenir ben assolit aquest hàbit. Amb aquest propòsit, us suggerim la lectura de més de 50 títols. Per accedir a la guia de lectura, feu clic a sobre de la següent imatge. Tornarem al setembre amb moltíssimes novetats. Enllaç permanent.

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    • Institut Florimont2
    • Institut Florimont3
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    • Institut Florimont5
  4. 2 giorni fa · Svaka od navedenih djelatnosti Instituta za Vode igra ključnu ulogu u očuvanju i učinkovitom upravljanju vodnim resursima. Monitoring kakvoće površinskih kopnenih voda (rijeke i jezera), prijelaznih i priobalnih voda, teritorijalnog mora i podzemnih voda.

    • Institut Florimont1
    • Institut Florimont2
    • Institut Florimont3
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    • Institut Florimont5
  5. 3 giorni fa · The Institute for National Security Studies launches and engages in innovative, relevant, high-quality research that shapes the public discourse of issues on Israel's national security agenda, and provides policy analysis and recommendations to decision makers, public leaders, and the strategic community, both in Israel and abroad.

  6. 3 giorni fa · IRI Around the world Where We Work. From Ethiopia to Ukraine to Guatemala, in dozens of countries around the world, IRI works to support democracy, political inclusion, multi-party political systems and a free exchange of ideas. Explore IRI Around the World >.

  7. 5 giorni fa · Association des Anciens Elèves de l'Institut Florimont. Avenue de Petit-Lancy 37 CH-1213 Petit-Lancy . Contact. Banque: Postfinance Compte: 12-13625-0