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  1. 5 giorni fa · 3 June 2024. Rare books from a priceless collection owned by UCL’s intellectual inspiration, Jeremy Bentham, have been found in UCL’s libraries and archives. The existence of the collection was long known about, but a chance conversation between two university staff at a conference two years ago has helped unearth a list of the volumes in it.

  2. 1 giorno fa · Da alcuni sondaggi realizzati dal team cinese, è emerso che, relativamente agli impieghi citati, il ragionamento morale dell’intelligenza artificiale viene percepito dalle persone come incline a prendere decisioni e a compiere scelte “utilitaristiche”, ossia fondate sul concetto in base al quale « è bene e giusto ciò che è utile ...

  3. 4 giorni fa · Rare books from a priceless collection owned by UCL's intellectual inspiration, Jeremy Bentham, have been found in UCL's libraries and archives.

  4. 2 giorni fa · In questo testo la struttura del panopticon, teorizzata da Jeremy Bentham, viene elevata a metafora dell’intera struttura sociale moderna. Si tratta di una prigione in cui le celle vengono poste intorno a una vedetta di guardia: la struttura viene costruita in maniera tale da permettere alla polizia di osservare, senza essere vista, la vita dei detenuti.

  5. 2 giorni fa · June 6 marks major life events of two eminent British philosophers, Jeremy Bentham’s death* (1832) and Isaiah Berlin’s birth (1909). Bentham was known as a “philosophical radical” and a major influence on the British utilitarian tradition.

  6. 1 giorno fa · Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) was perhaps the most radical thinker of his time, and developed the concept of utilitarianism. Bentham was an atheist , a prison reformer , animal rights activist, believer in universal suffrage , freedom of speech , free trade and health insurance at a time when few dared to argue for any of these ideas.

  7. 2 giorni fa · Jeremy Bentham would be proud! In the second problem, System One cries out: “You can’t be pushing fat men off bridges!” The first problem gives philosophers a chance to sit in their armchairs and think about the best solution.