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  1. 1 giorno fa · Danişmentliler (1072- 1178) Sivas merkez olmak üzere Tokat, Niksar, Amasya ve Kayseri civarında kurulmuştur. Devletin kurucusu Melikşah'ın komutanlarından Danişment Gazi Ahmed Bey'dir. Rivayete göre Türkmenlere öğretmenlik yaptığı için Dânişmend Gazi diye anılan Ahmed Bey,Türkiye Selçukluları Sultanı Süleymanşah'ın ...

  2. 6 giorni fa · Il y a quelques mois, par la voix du ministre des Affaires étrangères, Ahmed Attaf, l’Algérie a évoquait cinq dossiers qui bloquent ou à régler au préalable. Il cita la question de la «mobilité», de la «coopération économique», d’«essais nucléaires», de «Sahara occidental» et de «mémoire».

  3. 2 giorni fa · In 1675, Murad II Bey of Tunis died. This unleashed a twenty-year civil war between his sons. Dey Chabane took this opportunity to defeat the Tunisians in the Battle of Kef, conquer Tunis and depose Mohamed Bey El Mouradi in 1694, replacing him with puppet ruler Ahmed ben Tcherkes.

  4. 2 giorni fa · Habib Bey signed the decree of December 20, 1923, which facilitated the naturalization of certain groups of Tunisians, such as veterans of the French military forces, those who had diplomas from French educational institutions, and civil servants, who would receive a sum one-third greater than similar groups of Tunisians who did not naturalize as French citizens (which placed Tunisians ...

  5. 9 ore fa · Faced with Tunisian opposition to Algerian hegemony and its ambitions in the Constantine region, the Algerian dey took the opportunity provided by the 20 years of civil war between Murad II Bey's sons to invade in 1694 and put a puppet bey on the throne.

  6. 2 giorni fa · Algerian armed resistance against the French invasion was mainly divided between forces of Ahmed Bey ben Mohamed Chérif at Constantine in the east, who was seeking to reinstate the Deylik of Algiers, and nationalist forces in the west and center.

  7. 2 giorni fa · Il combattit Ahmed Bey — ou Hadj Ahmed Bey (1784-1850), dernier bey de Constantine, et l'une des grandes figures de la résistance au colonialisme, qui avait dû s'enfuir après la prise de Constantine en 1836 et continua le combat jusqu'en 1848 — dans les Aurès.