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  1. 1 giorno fa · In 1343 Magnus had to abdicate as King of Norway in favour of his younger son, Haakon VI of Norway. The oldest son, Eric , was explicitly removed from the future line of succession of Norway. Traditionally Norwegian historians have interpreted this clear break with previous successions as stemming from dissatisfaction among the Norwegian nobility with Norway's junior position in the union.

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    5 ore fa · Il re Haakon VI di Norvegia sposò la principessa islandese Margherita I, figlia di Valdemaro IV di Danimarca. Alla morte di Valdemaro IV (1375), il figlio di Margherita e Haakon, Olaf, divenne re danese. Ereditò tutte le terre alla morte del padre.

  3. 2 giorni fa · Haakon thereafter ruled Norway (except Viken), at first nominally under Harald. All dates are estimates and subject to interpretation. Haakon is generally held as the ruler of Norway from 970 to 995.

  4. 2 giorni fa · 16 decembrie 1263 – 9 mai 1280. Încoronare. 14 septembrie 1261, Bergen. Predecesor. Haakon al IV-lea. Succesor. Eric al II-lea. Modifică date / text. Magnus Haakonsson - in norvegiana veche: Magnús Hákonarson - (n. 1 mai 1238, Comuna Tønsberg, Vestfold, Norvegia – d. 9 mai 1280, Bergen, Danemarca-Norvegia) a fost regele Norvegiei din ...

  5. 5 giorni fa · When King Haakon V signed a peace treaty with the Danish king in 1309, it was sealed by 29 Norwegian knights and squires. King Haakon promised that additional 270 knights and squires would give their written recognition.

  6. 6 giorni fa · Ce samedi 20 juillet, Haakon de Norvège, né en 1973, fête son anniversaire. Le prince héritier partage sa vie avec Mette-Marit de Norvège depuis plusieurs années maintenant. Couple soudé ...

  7. 5 giorni fa · Perché fare un viaggio alle isole Lofoten e Vesterålen in inverno? Qui trovate ben 10 motivi. Dai colori dell'alba e del tramonto agli incredibili paesaggi del nord della Norvegia.