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  1. › wiki › CnutCnut - Wikipedia

    1 giorno fa · With the death of Olof Skötkonung in 1022, and the succession to the Swedish throne of his son Anund Jacob bringing Sweden into alliance with Norway, there was cause for a demonstration of Danish strength in the Baltic.

  2. 2 giorni fa · In 1571 – highly indebted – Francis I resigned in favour of his eldest son Magnus II, who had promised to redeem the pawned ducal demesnes with funds he gained as Swedish military commander and by his marriage to a Swedish princess.

  3. 1 giorno fa · 14,000–20,000 Poles, Saxons and 8,000 Danes (70,000 Danes total) killed in the larger battles between 1709–1719. [16] The Great Northern War (1700–1721) was a conflict in which a coalition led by the Tsardom of Russia successfully contested the supremacy of the Swedish Empire in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe.

  4. 3 giorni fa · In 1275 Valdemar was overthrown by his brother Magnus I (Magnus Ladulås) with the help of a Danish army. In 1280 a law was accepted establishing freedom from taxes for magnates who served as members of the king’s cavalry, creating a hereditary nobility

  5. 1 giorno fa · Wenige Tage später landete der zum Feldmarschall beförderte Magnus Stenbock mit dem schwedischen Heer auf Rügen. Der Großteil der Transportschiffe wurde jedoch am 28. September 1712 von der dänischen Kriegsflotte zerstört (→ Seeschlacht vor Rügen ), da die schwedischen Kriegsschiffe von den Dänen ausmanövriert wurden und sie die unbewaffnete Transportflotte schutzlos zurückließen.

  6. 3 giorni fa · La crociata norvegese fu una lunga spedizione militare condotta tra il 1107 e il 1111 dal re Sigurd I di Norvegia. Seguì di poco la prima crociata, ma resta incerto se si sia trattato di una spedizione militare in piena regola, di un pellegrinaggio religioso armato o di una commistione dei due casi.

  7. 3 giorni fa · Die Liste der römischen Kaiser der Antike enthält alle Kaiser des Römischen Reiches von Augustus, der 27 v. Chr. den Prinzipat begründete, bis Herakleios, dessen Herrschaftszeit 610–641 (ab 613 gemeinsam mit Konstantin III.) die späteste für das Ende der Antike in Betracht kommende Epochengrenze ist. Manche Forscher setzen frühere ...