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  1. 11 ore fa · Chinese experts successfully tested a single-shot asthma cure on mice. It may help human patients soon with further research and development. July 10, 2022. News. Global Nation. Business.

  2. 4 giu 2024 · In this session, we are going to discuss a very important disease associated with respiratory system i.e. Asthma. Kindly watch entire series to deal with pa...

  3. 11 ore fa · Between 2019 and 2023, global venture funding for research and development in treatments for asthma in the APAC region is $41.7m, according to the GlobalData Deals Database. Asthma stands out as a significant non-communicable disease, and while progress has been made in its treatment, the burden of asthma continues to increase due to unmet ...

  4. 11 ore fa · Life With Asthma...thank you all for the insights. My 2 year old has severe asthma, and it's wreaked havoc on her tiny little body. Just had our 3rd bought of pneumonia in 3 months (wish I was joking). I had made a post a while ago (i think with my other account)...6 hospital stays in 6 months due to hypoxia.

  5. 11 ore fa · Greener inhaler choices - better for patients and the planet. The National Asthma Council Australia (NAC) has released new information in time for World Environment Day to help health professionals make choices that could reduce asthma symptoms, prevent severe exacerbations and at the same time help improve the health of the environment.

  6. 11 ore fa · Bei trockenem Husten (Reizhusten), der bei Asthma häufig vorkommt, hilft es, viel zu trinken. Die Flüssigkeit befeuchtet die Schleimhäute in Mund und Rachenraum, was den Hustenreiz lindert. Besonders geeignet bei Reizhusten sind: Tees aus Kamillenblüten, Lindenblüten, Salbeiblätter oder Thymian. Klare Brühen. Zimmerwarmes Wasser.

  7. 11 ore fa · Obese patients with asthma present with aggravated symptoms that are also harder to treat. Here, we used a mouse model of allergic asthma sensitised and challenged to house dust mite (HDM) extracts to determine whether high-fat-diet consumption would exacerbate the key features of allergic airway inflammation. C57BL/6 mice were intranasally sensitised and challenged with HDM extracts over a ...