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  1. 3 giorni fa · Baltasar Hubmaier, confiado en lo alcanzado en Waldshut, buscó extender los principios anabautistas hacia otras ciudades cercanas. Por ello escribió al reformador de Zúrich, Ulrico Zwinglio ...

  2. 2 giorni fa · Some assume the Anabaptists were anti-credal because they excoriated the evil compulsion of conscience by confessional states. However, major early Anabaptist leaders like Balthasar Hubmaier, Leonhard Schiemer, Pilgram Marpeck and Peter Riedemann wrote commentaries on, developed lengthy confessions from and heartily affirmed the classical creeds.

  3. 2 ore fa · Some of the most important activists of the Protestant Reformation included Jacobus Arminius, Theodore Beza, Martin Bucer, Andreas von Carlstadt, Heinrich Bullinger, Balthasar Hubmaier, Thomas Cranmer, William Farel, Thomas Müntzer, Laurentius Petri, Olaus Petri, Philipp Melanchthon, Menno Simons, Louis de Berquin, Primož Trubar and John Smyth.

  4. 5 giorni fa · En julio de 1527 Baltasar Hubmaier fue arrestado por autoridades austriacas, juzgado y condenado a muerte fue llevado a la hoguera en Viena el 10 de marzo de 1528.

  5. › wiki › ArminianismArminianism - Wikipedia

    2 giorni fa · Anabaptist theologian Balthasar Hubmaier also promoted much the same view as Arminius nearly a century before him. The soteriological doctrines of Arminianism and Anabaptism are roughly equivalent.

  6. 5 giorni fa · The Good News concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ changes everything in a person's life once they respond to it and put their faith in Christ. Prayers, priorities, and the way that we relate to people all pivot to a new and more selfless way of living. If we are not living this way, we are pushing against the grain of God’s design for the normal Christian life. Wise ...

  7. 2 ore fa · Der Name „Balthasar“ übt seit Jahrhunderten eine faszinierende Anziehungskraft aus. Er trägt einen Hauch von Mysterium und Exotik, der sowohl in historischen Texten als auch in modernen Geschichten widerhallt. Diese Untersuchung beleuchtet die Ursprünge, die historische Bedeutung und die anhaltende Popularität dieses bemerkenswerten Namens.