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  1. 13 ore fa · The initial favorite for the Republican nomination was the previous nominee, James G. Blaine of Maine. After his narrow loss to Cleveland in 1884, Blaine became the front-runner for 1888, but removed his name from contention.

  2. 1 giorno fa · On some of the most damaging correspondence, Blaine had written "Burn this letter", giving Democrats the last line to their rallying cry: "Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine, the continental liar from the state of Maine, 'Burn this letter! ' " An anti-Cleveland cartoon highlights the Halpin scandal.

  3. 1 giorno fa · Three prominent candidates contended for the Republican nomination in 1880: Grant, the choice of the “Stalwart” faction led by Senator Conkling; James G. Blaine, the leader of the rival “Half-Breed” faction; and Secretary of the Treasury Sherman.

  4. 2 giorni fa · The 1880 United States presidential election was the 24th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 2, 1880, in which Republican nominee James A. Garfield defeated Winfield Scott Hancock of the Democratic Party. The voter turnout rate was one of the highest in the nation's history.

  5. 4 giorni fa · Tammany Hall, the executive committee of the Democratic Party in New York City historically exercising political control through the typicalboss-istblend of charity and patronage. It became synonymous with big-city government corruption during the period of its rule by ‘Boss’ William M. Tweed.

  6. 5 giorni fa · James Blaine served as a senator from Maine from 1876 to 1881. While in Congress Blaine worked toward finding the best means for the former secessionist states to repay the federal government and how many votes they should receive in the Electoral College.

  7. 4 giorni fa · James A. Garfield, 1881. Garfield had not been closely identified with either the Stalwarts or the Half-Breeds, the two major factions within the Republican Party, but, upon becoming president, he upset the Stalwarts by naming the Half-Breed Blaine secretary of state.