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  1. 5 giorni fa · In New York’s art show of the summer, paint and prose meet in “The Swimmer,” a psychoanalysis of John Cheevers suburban nightmare of 1964.

  2. 2 giorni fa · Un viaggio alcolico in terre astemie, uscito in inglese nel 2013 e ora in libreria per Adelphi. Beveva, come altri blasonati colleghi: il whiskey di Samuel Beckett, il Daiquiri di Graham Greene, i cocktail di Ernest Hemingway, il gin di John Cheever fanno parte di una mitologia letteraria ben nota e indagata.

  3. 1 giorno fa · There are a few mistakes. For example, John Lehman, who was Reagan's Secretary of the Navy, who built for Reagan the 600-ship Navy. And, now, we have 295 ships--not even that: less than 300 and a lot of them are rusty and overworked so that they're cannibalizing parts from other things. They spend a long time in the yards because they break.

  4. 1 giorno fa · Strange Relations describes the various ways in which Tennessee Williams, Carson McCullers, John Cheever and James Baldwin shared “a joint, particular fascination with the idea that sexual ...

  5. 1 giorno fa · He reveals that, years ago, the Times had asked him to review John Cheever’s last novel, after the assignment had been turned down by many other critics who had balked because the book was not that good and they didn’t want to simply perform what Leonard called “a random act of kindness” to Cheever, who happened to be dying at the time.

  6. 2 giorni fa · 1912 - John Cheever, scrittore statunitense († 1982) 1912 - Aldo De Vidal, pittore italiano († 2006) 1912 - Roberto Gaja, diplomatico italiano († 1992) 1912 - Norio Taniguchi, ingegnere giapponese († 1999) 1913 - Franca Brambilla Ageno, filologa e italianista italiana († 1995) 1913 - Willie Best, attore statunitense († 1962)

  7. 3 giorni fa · Il Cechov dei sobborghi William John Cheever nasce il 27 maggio del 1912 a Quincy, negli Stati Uniti, figlio di Frederick Lincoln e di Mary Liley. Cresciuto a Wollaston, nel Massachusetts, nel 1926 inizia a...