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  1. 4 giorni fa · Museumsportal Berlin - Manifestazione culturale – Scoprite i capolavori di Caspar David Friedrich. Mai prima d'ora sono state riunite in un'unica mostra così tante icone di fama mondiale del più importante pittore romantico: L'opera di Caspar David Friedrich è presentata con 60 dipinti e 50 disegni in una mostra speciale unica.

  2. This sculpture of "Pan Comforting Psyche" created by Reinhold Begas in 1857-1858 shows Pan in a way we don't often see him. Instead of his usual merry, playful self, we see him here in a different archetype showing thoughtfulness and compassion.

  3. 6 giorni fa · Reinhold Begas (1831 – 1911), Amor und Psyche, Skulptur / Marmor (1854-57) Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Alte Nationalgalerie, / Andres Kilger.

  4. 6 giorni fa · Museumsportal Berlin - Spectacle – Découvrir les chefs-d'œuvre de Caspar David Friedrich. Jamais autant d'icônes mondialement connues du peintre le plus important du romantisme n'avaient été réunies dans une exposition : L'œuvre de Caspar David Friedrich est présentée avec 60 peintures et 50 dessins dans une exposition temporaire unique.

  5. 6 giorni fa · * Pan Comforting Psyche (1857–1858) by Reinhold Begas (1831–1911) * Marble 📍Alte Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin ----- This piece was done in just 1 year and he was just about 26 while working on this masterpiece 🥹🥹🥹

  6. 6 giorni fa · Christian Peter Wilhelm Beuth c. 1835. Christian Peter Wilhelm Friedrich Beuth (28 December 1781 – 27 September 1853) was a Prussian statesman, involved in the Prussian reforms and the main mover in Prussia's industrial renewal.

  7. 3 giorni fa · Reinhold Begas Badende Nach dem Bade KUNST SH Schleswig. Ketterer Kunst Art auctions Book auctions Munich Hamburg Berlin. Die Badende Hamburger Innenansichten. Badende Frauen am Strand Aquarell auf B ttenpapier unsigniert. Stadtpark Hamburg - Skulpturen Badende Frauen. Die Badende Foto Bild kunstfotografie kultur gem lde